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It has been roughly two and a half weeks since my unexpected arrival into the Apex universe and I was still trying to adjust to my new surroundings. I felt like I should at least be familiar with everything around me considering how often I played the video game in my home universe but that wasn't the case, everything was foreign. There was so much more here than what was ever shown in the video game and the game trailers that were released with each season, so much for me to take in. I wasn't sure if I would ever fully comprehend it all.

After I was released from the hospital, I was taken to Ajay's home (as recommended by both Anita and the doctor). At first I was hesitant but with comforting words and a reassurance from Ajay, I reluctantly agreed, knowing that if I didn't, I would have been more than likely homeless in a world that was completely different from what I knew. In the time that I was with Ajay (when she wasn't out training) I slowly found myself becoming somewhat of a friend to her and vise versa. She was the only one that I felt truly comfortable around but even with the comfort I was experiencing around her, I was still generally quiet and kept to myself. There were several occasions where the other Legends would stop by to simply hangout with Ajay or to get checked up by her and every time someone was over, they would briefly talk about me through what they thought were hushed voices but I heard them. Pretty much every single one of them with the exception of Elliot, was cautious of me and I don't blame them... I'm a complete and utter stranger that isn't from their world.

A light knocking on the guest room door pulled me from my thoughts. "Caroline? Is it alright if I come in?" Ajay's soft accented voice called through the door.

"Of course Ajay." Who would I be to tell her no? She's shown me nothing but kindness since I have been in this world. I sat up in the bed, waiting for her to walk in.

Ajay slowly opened the door before walking in. When she saw me sitting on the bed, she offered me a kind smile, one of which I returned. "How are yuh holding up?" She sat next to me on the bed. Did I mention how weird it is to see Ajay, let alone any of the Legends, not wearing their attire we see in the game(aside from Pathfinder and Revenant)? No? Well let me say that it is a rather odd and interesting sight to see.

I mulled over my answer for several moments before gently shrugging my shoulders as I looked over to her. "I'm... managing I guess you could say." I looked down to my hands that were fiddling with the blanket. "My brain is still processing the fact that I'm actually here and that you're actually real. I-it's a lot to process." During the third day of residing in her home, I told her everything that I could remember about where I came from and what my life was like before I wound up in the Outlands. I even told her how in my universe the Apex Games and all the Legends, including herself, was just a video game that millions of people play. "And even with that being said, I don't know what to do with myself..."

Ajay gave me a sympathetic smile as she gently rubbed my back. "I can understand that. Everything here is a lot to take in." I only nodded to her statement. "But relating to the last part of what you said is why I'm here." There was a rather brief pause. "Anita suggested that you should start training with all of us while we try and figure out a way for you to get back to where you're from. It could do yuh some good. What do yuh say Caroline?"

I sat there and thought about it for a minute before nodding my head. "That sounds good to me, though I must warn you Ajay... I don't have an ounce of any kind of fighting experience. Let alone much exercise. Back home I know I was a rather lazy person." That much I did remember from where I originally came from. "And I barely know how to shoot a gun. I would need a lot of training.." I trailed off after realizing just how much training I would have to go through.

Ajay gave me a kind smile, "Don't worry about it. Everyone will train yuh because we all have different styles as yuh may know. But I must warn yuh Caroline, no one will go easy on yuh." Before she could continue on there was a knock coming from the front of the apartment. "I'll be right back." I only nodded as she walked away.

From Video Games to Real Life //Elliot WittWhere stories live. Discover now