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A thousand years back.

An angel walks around the streets of the golden heights, towards the sanctuary- home to Lord Jiro. As he passes, other angels greet him respectfully, as he moves on his way.

This angel is at present, the best of Jiro's creations. At this time, the elders do not exist. He is a beautiful, smart and a very influential being, second only to Lord Jiro. To put it simply, the Apex of Jiro's creations. He is Lucifer.
He has a grey-ish skin, he looks quite humanoid, with a giant pair of black wings.
He also has dark hair, and is presently dressed in flowing garments, with a sash around his waist.

On this very day, as he was about to head out, a very strange thought formed inside him. This thought, gave birth to a plan.
A plan to overthrow Jiro. Initially, he brushed it off, to the back of his mind.
"Such will only bring trouble" he had said.

As he walks, he ponders on his previous thought. "Lucy! Lucy!". A voice calls out. Lucifer, oblivious to the voice keeps walking, until he gets slapped hard on his back, in-between his wings. That spot, apparently hurt him quite much.
He turns around sharply as he prepares to scold the disrespectful angel that would dare slap him.

Right behind him, he sees a centaur, in silver armor. The centaur appears to have black fur, and is considerably tall. It towers a full head over Lucifer, and has dark hair, flowing down his back. The centaur, also has two silver horns, poking out of his head.
He has a silver bow strapped around his chest, and carries a quiver, filled with bows around him. He is the finest Archer, in the golden heights, and is Lucifer's closest friend. He is Azazel.

As Lucifer realizes who it is, he sighs, clearly irked by Azazel's annoying behavior.
"You idiot, just how many times do I have to tell you. DO NOT SNEAK UP ON ME!"- Lucifer says, almost yelling. He then continues -"You know you could have just called my name".
"Oh shut it,"Azazel replies."I did call your name, you just won't respond. I figured you were zoned out, (just like always) and all I did was tap you. You should be grateful, that I'm not Ashura, you do know what he could have done, don't you?.

"So you mean to say I was zoned out?" Lucifer asks. "Exactly as I told you", Azazel responds, as they turn to leave.

"What's the deal with Ashura, Ehhh?" An annoyed voice bellows behind them, causing them to freeze in their steps. Shock flashes across their faces as a stiff smile begins to grow on their faces. They begin to turn stiffly as they see an angry, giant, four eyed wolf. It has white fur with Crystal blue eyes, towering meters above them. It had teeth the size of a full grown man.

"Nothing, it was nothing, hehe" Lucifer stuttered, clearly shaken. "We were just heading to the sanctuary to meet with Lord Jiro. We didn't mean any trouble". Azazel continues, shaken also. They both knew better than to say Ashura's name without reason. For some reason it got him angry, and when angered he was clearly the strongest angel in the golden heights. Most referred to him as the white lycan, when he just had to be mentioned, especially among weaker angels.

"Hey! Azazel, look what your mouth has gotten us into. All this cause you won't just be quiet." Lucifer complains. "Shut it you brooding creature, it was your fault this all started in the first place."Azazel retorts
Just as they were talking, a giant shadow appears, covering them in darkness. "You'll do well to listen when I speak, you brats!" Ashura bellows, swinging his paw at them . A bright flash of light appears in front of Lucifer and Azazel, in the way of the strike.

Surprisingly, the strike was blocked. But the shock waves pushes the two angels to the ground, leaving their defender, standing.
A new angel stands, he looks completely humanoid, with no variation, except for 3 pairs his golden wings, and his inhuman height, he is just as tall as Azazel, who was about 10 feet tall. He holds a shattered shield in his right hand.

"I will not allow you to lay a finger, on my pri-rada*." The angel says to Ashura. He then draws a crystalline broadsword from it's sheath, which was strapped behind his back. The sword bursts into golden flames, as it's drawn. On recognizing the voice, Lucifer yells.
"Micheal, get out of there, you can't battle him, you will die!"
"I will not!" Micheal responds, as his body begins glowing with a golden aura. He moves to attack, but cannot move. "What is this". He ponders wearily, as he notices him self attached to a shadow that wasn't his. "What is this about?"


So, hope u guys enjoyed the chapter, I was contemplating on ending it here, but I did anyway.
Ahh yes... Lest I forget, the word pri-rada is used to address a higher angel in the host...
In this time line as you should have noticed, he's some kind of second in command in Lucifer's division... Considering he's a very loyal one, he feels he's got to defend his captain, or in this case, pri-rada, even if it costs him his life.
That's Michael for ya... Gotta run

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