Annoying Little Brat

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"Ehhh!" Lucifer and Veena shouted in unison. They couldn't take it in. It just didn't make any sense to them.

"How-" Lucifer stuttered.
"How can this be?" Lucifer asked. "He's but a child. He can't possibly be that powerful right?"
"Exactly!." Veena added. "No one can just completely black out all archangels and fallen all at once!." Veena paused, then continued." Except Jiro himself.

"Then what's this about." Lucifer thought to himself.
"It shouldn't be hard to believe" Jiro said suddenly. "Come closer" he beckoned to them, turning the baby towards them.

About that time, Belphegor's body shifted on the floor slightly, as she regained consciousness. After a short while, she awoke, and smoke began pouring out her headless neck once again. She stood slowly as she searched around for her head.
She found it, and carried it in an arm. In doing so, the eyes on the head fluttered open, as she caught sight of the others on the floor.
"What happened here." She wondered aloud.

Upon hearing Belphegor's voice, both Lucifer and Veena turned to face her.
"Bel, you're awake!." Lucifer said loudly.
"Yes. I just woke up. Anybody mind telling me what happened here?." Belphegor asked "About that, we're... Still trying to get a hold of the situation here." Veena answered. "Somehow, it seems Agni somehow knocked you guys out... Or something like that." She concluded.

"Knocked you out?" Lucifer questioned.
"You put it as though you weren't blacked out too." He said, turning to face Veena with a questioning look.
"Ohhh!. About that, I was meaning to ask Lord Jiro why I didn't black out like the rest of you guys." She said. "Somehow, I forgot."
She continued, then knocked herself.

"Ohhh... WHAT!?. You didn't black out!?. How is that even possible!." Lucifer exclaimed.
"Well with all the events that have happened lately, I'm not sure that's surprising." A voice spoke.

Everyone turned in direction of the voice, and there stood Micheal, shaking his wings.
"When did you wake up?." Veena asked.
"About the same time she did." He answered, point to Belphegor. "I needed time to regain my composure."

"Anyway, if everything I've gathered from what you've been saying is correct, it's reasonable that the one called Agni,- where is he anyway?." Micheal asked.
"He's over there." Lucifer answered, pointing to the throne where Jiro sat, his eyes closed as though the was asleep, and Agni on his lap, curled up in sleep.

"So that's Agni." Michael remarked.
"Yes, apparently that's him, and you were saying something, it would be nice if you tell us the. Rest of it Michael." Veena responded.
"Oh! sorry, I was saying,-" at that moment Agni woke up. No one seemed to notice as they continued their talk.
He sat on Jiro's lap, yawned a little, stretched, the started looking around.

"So you are saying that it's reasonable that he was the one who did it." Veena questioned.
"Yes. That's exactly what I said." Micheal replied. "Then how exactly did he do it." Lucifer asked.
After a little thinking, Micheal asked.
"His name is Agni, right?."
"Yes it is, so what about the name?" Belphegor replied.
"If Jiro named him according to an emotion he rules over, then it's likely..." Michael said, as his voice trailed off.

"Where is he?" Micheal asked. "I just showed you, he's on Lord Jiro's lap. Finish with our reply already!." Lucifer snapped, obviously frustrated Micheal's constant distractions.
"Well he isn't there anymore." Micheal said, pointing to the throne. Lord Jiro was there, but the little guy was missing.
"He was sleeping right there!" Veena said in shock. "Where could he have gone to." Bel said, getting worried.

'Poof.' Suddenly, Agni appeared right beside Bel's head, and took it from her, flying out of reach.
"Hey, give it back!" Belphegor yelled.
"Give what back?" Lucifer asked.
"My head! He took my head!." Belphegor complained, pointing at Agni, who floated some feet above, just out of reach.
"I'll catch him." Micheal said, taking off.

Thirty minutes later

Micheal flew at high speed, chasing after Agni. Apparently, the little angel, somehow managed to dodge him right when he was almost caught. Sometimes, whenever Micheal missed, Agni, would fly a little higher, a smug look plastered all over his face. This continued for somehours, then Micheal started getting tired.

Chasing down a rouge existence wasn't hard in comparison to this guy. In fact, it was relatively easy. Those guys just kept running, therefore you could catch them, if you were calm enough. But this, was something else entirely. He somehow managed to out run Micheal, (even though Micheal was moving at supersonic speed) and yet, pause to make fun of him for being slow, without losing Belphegor's head.

"Maybe I should help him." Lucifer said, after watching the whole event.
"Since Belphegor can't fly, I'll join in." Veena answered. "But he's one fast little angel, isn't he." She asked.
"He is. That's for sure, now let's show him not to mess with us." Lucifer said, as they took off.

Three hours later

"WHY IS HE SO FAST!." Veena complained as they paused to take a break.
They had been chasing the brat for hours, and yet, they had not as much as touched one of his feathers. He was just too fast.

Agni floated up, above them. And stopped flying. He then gave them a condescending look, flew past them to Belphegor, and returned her head. Looking smug, he flew over to Jiro's lap, where he laid down to rest. At this time, the other Archangels had all woken up and they all burst into sudden laughter.

"What was that?!" Azazel cried in between fits of laughter. He had woken up in time to hear Lucifer go all...: "Let's show him not to mess with us." He just couldn't contain it, and neither could the others.
Tired and frustrated, the three archangels floated to the ground with a tired expression.

Gabriel however wasn't laughing. He knew how fast Veena and Micheal were. Before the fallen returned, he was the fastest angel in the golden heights. Those two following closely behind. That's why he was the chief Messenger. He had also heard that Lucifer was the fastest of the fallen, in flight. He rivaled Veena in speed, and she was the second fastest. How could a little angel, who wasn't even a full week old, out speed all of them. That didn't make sense, it wasn't even possible!.

On the throne above them, Lord Jiro smiled.


AHHHHHH! My fingers hurt!.(ᗒᗩᗕ)

Anyway that's the end of the chapter... Unlike I said earlier, this is gonna end in the next chapter. I can't type any more for now.
Hope you loved it. Please don't forget to comment and vote.
I really do wish I'd become a better quickly, so I'd be able to tell the story better.
Also... I'm so sorry for the late updates... I'll be updating more often from now on.

So... That's it for now, bye!.

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