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*Crack.* A cracking sound was heard, coming from the egg, as crack lines appeared around the egg.
Soon after, a fizzy sound started escaping the egg, as pressurized gas, started escaping. All present where on their feet, staring in awe at the egg, as more cracks made their way across it.

Soon, the colourless gas escaping, gradually began turning red, enveloping the chamber in a blanket of red vapour.
Soon the angels -both virtues and fallen- started dropping to their knees, horror plastered across their face. One by one, they dropped, as if an invisible force brought them down. They dropped, until only Lucifer and Veena were left standing. Lucifer's face was a mixture of horror and shock as a memory he'd long try to forget, was brought back to the surface of his mind.
The memory of the day he was kicked out of heaven, The aftermath of his rebellion- Jiro's wrath.

Lucifer's Memory

In shame and regret he walked, as he was led in shackles to the throne room. Behind him came his archangels, in order if their ranks: Belphegor, Azazel, Beelzebub, Ashura, Asmodeus and lastly, Lilith.

All were bound, stripped of their powers as they were led by their assistants. The second in the command of their forces. All except Micheal, his own assistant.
He hung his head in shame as he walked. He could not bring him self to believe the outcome.

Singlehandedly, Lord Jiro had wiped out all his forces in an instant. He recalled Jiro's look in the battle. One of disappointment.
He had greatly disappointed his Lord, and now he was going to face his punishment.
Even still, he had convinced about a three quarters of the whole host of heaven. He remembered how difficult it was to convince Belphegor. She was the first he met with the idea, but the last that convinced. She apparently had her hopes high for him. Sadly, he shattered it.
His best friend, Azazel had been with him from the start. He made an attempt to convince him, soon after Belphegor had turned him down. Azazel trusted so much in him, but was in this mess because of him.

Ashura was in this mainly because of his hunger for battle, but Lucifer just couldn't bear the look on his face. Regret was plainly written on his face. Beelzebub only joined in because of his respect for Belphegor, he joined in about the same time as she did. Asmodeus joined, equally because of his trust in Lucifer. That was the same reason Lilith joined. She saw him as an older brother, as someone unbeatable.
Then again, he shattered everything. Their hopes, trust, respect, just everything.

After the long walk of shame, he stood at the doors of the throne room. To him, something wasn't just right. The place, where he once felt the most peace, suddenly felt like the entrance to the mouth of a dragon. It was terrifying. He would be just fine with being burnt in the eternal flames, but this... This was something else... a feeling much worse. He was absolutely terrified. As the doors were opened, beads of sweat dropped from his forehead.

As the doors opened, he suddenly felt peace. The peace he once felt in Jiro's presence. He was tempted to take refuge in it, but he didn't. He knew more than to seek refuge in what would be the calm before a storm. He turned, scared of meeting Lord Jiro's face. He suddenly got in eye contact with Belphegor's once calm face. What he saw however was pure sorrow and regret. As if planned, he saw the exact same thing on the other's faces. He could not bear it. Immediately, he turned.

As soon as his head returned to it's former position, time froze, and everything stopped moving. The blue flames in the hearth stopped flickering, angels froze midstep, some froze midflight, as colour drained out of everything, as everywhere suddenly felt like an empty hall, and everything turned gray.

He looked up to Jiro's throne, shocked to see it empty. He stood upright as he wondered what had happened. Suddenly, he felt a presence all around him, as something similar to an insanely large force of gravity hit him, slamming him to the floor.
He tried getting up, but he just couldn't.
As he turned his head, his eyes met with Jiro, sitting on his throne. For the second time, since Lucifer's existence, Jiro was in armor. His face, which was always in eternal peace, wore an expression. A really disappointed one. Behind Jiro's fiery golden armor, his once peaceful azure irises, went completely dark.

"Lucifer, why did you do this." Jiro boomed. Every trace of peace around him suddenly vanished, replacing him with absolute terror.
"Do you have any idea the pain you have caused me?, The pain you have caused your subordinates?." Jiro continued. "Those who cared for you, even when they knew fully well it would be going against me, The trust you have dashed in pieces?. Lucifer do you in any way understand?." Jiro boomed angrily.

"I created you to be one who would show my glory. You have disappointed me greatly Lucifer," He continued. "You will not go without punishment."
"From now on, you shall wonder the cosmos, cursed to be hated by all my creations."

As soon as Jiro finished speaking, the atmosphere turned red, as fear suddenly filled Lucifer's being. Words started crossing Lucifer's mind. 'CURSED ARE YOU. YOU HAVE FALLEN. DISGRACE. DEGENERATE SCUM. FAILURE. DIE, USELESS BEING!.' It sounded as though a thousand voices spoke to him at once. He broke down, weeping, wishing on vain for it to end, as time suddenly played on.

As these voices crossed his mind, an angel was formed right in front of him, born from Jiro's aura.
"This angel will take your place, Lucifer." Jiro said, suddenly calm.
Lucifer looked up at the face of the angel.
What he saw, struck him. A version even more perfect than he could have ever wished to be. With golden wings and a calm beautiful face, she was like the combination of Lucifer, Belphegor and Lilith. The three most beautiful of Jiro's creations.
"You have been replaced Lucifer, leave my presence. From now on, Belphegor will rule over you. Leave my presence, degenerate scum."

Present time

Lucifer suddenly jerked, as if suddenly awaken. "Lucifer! Oi, you still alive in there?." Veena said as she shook him roughly.
"Wha-" Lucifer began as he was suddenly dropped to the ground. "Guess he's out cold too." Veena called out, speaking to Jiro.
"No I'm fine." He called out as he stood. "What happened here?" He asked.
"Well somehow, when everywhere went red, you all blacked out. He hatched anyway, and is presently over there." She pointed towards the throne, to a humanoid being, with red wings and gray skin, sitting on Lord Jiro's lap, and tugging at his hair. By human standards, he looked like a one year old kid, with short red hair. He chuckled, as he played with Jiro's hair.

"What's that" Lucifer asked.
"He's the cause of your black out." Jiro responded.
"WHAT!" Lucifer and Veena chorused in Surprise.

Author's babble
Finally done with this! *Stares at swollen fingers*

Hope you enjoyed this. After the next chapter, a new arc begins. I'm all fired up.
Poor fingers of mine... Guess they have to get used to it. Please if you enjoyed this, don't forget to comment and vote.
That sort of stuff encourages lazy guys like me to keep writing. Thanks guys. Bye.

For those who want to know what Veena looks like, her picture's up there.
Also, the angel that was born in from Jiro's aura, just before he kicked Lucifer out is also Veena.

Also thanks for the votes, I really appreciate it.

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