The devil and the deep blue sea.

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Jump! Draven yelled, as they jumped into the hollow ring, just in time, to escape the regenerated cleaner.

The fell for some minutes, before landing in another part of the rift, away from the danger of the cleaner.

As they walked, the noticed a gate open in the distance. Eager to leave the rift, they all ran towards it.

A short while later, they got to the gate.
"Finally!" Bora exclaimed, as they opened the gate, and jumped out.

Finally outside the rift, the took a look around their present position, in hopes of being close to a planet, where they could rest, and recover their

What the saw however, filled them with nothing, but absolute despair.

Few hundred kilometers from them, a fissure appeared in space. The fissure expanded for several kilometers, then suddenly stopped.
A few seconds later, it began opening. It's form was like a giant mouth.

Suddenly, a great suction force, originating from the depths of the fissure began drawing things in.
From their distance, they watched as small planets originally around it was sucked into it.

Initially, considering they were quite far away from it, they had not felt the effect of it's force.
However, Draven noticed that it's range was increasing rapidly, and was getting to where they were.

Just as he was about to alarm his knights, another fissure opened behind them.
However, when this opened, there was no suction force coming from this one.

Without a second thought, they all leapt in.
As soon as they were in, a cleaner suddenly appeared in the distance, and was approaching them in a very high speed.

In comparison to the last one they had encountered, the last one could be viewed as a tiny car, when placed beside a twenty story building. This Cleaner was simply massive, and for it's size, was unreasonably fast.

It was at that point, that it Draven realized what was going on. He had read about it somewhere, before all this had started. He was still an emperor then.

"Everyone, we are going to jump." He said suddenly.
"WHAT?!" They all yelled at once. "You saw that fissure literally eat some planets, and you are telling us to jump?" Dolion said.
"Exactly!" Draven replied.
"We don't have much time. Just jump. It's the only way we can have a chance of escaping certain death. Would you rather get erased by the cleaner?" He asked.

After a short moment of contemplation, they all jumped out of the fissure.
As soon as they jumped, the were caught by the suction force of the fissure below them, and began a speedy fall, into what might be certain doom.
Behind them, the cleaner fell out of its fissure, and was sucked in.

As soon as they all entered, the fissure closed, and vanished out of existence.

About a few thousand kilometres away, a headless, feminine, humanoid sat on a headless black horse. With her head in her left arm, she watched as everything happened.
Smoke, as black as night, poured out of the opening in her neck. The same was for the horse.

As soon as Draven and the Knights fell into the fissure, she spurred the reins of her horse. With an obnoxiously loud ethereal neigh, it began trotting away from the site. After some time, they both disappeared into the darkness, leaving nothing, but wisps of smoke behind.

A Rift in space and time.

Aquila walked along the passage, her azure aura, illuminating the way.
Behind her, Einar walked quietly. They had been walking for quite sometime, and he was beginning to feel tired. At his present state, he was ready to fall asleep as they walked, but he had didn't want to cause any trouble.

Just as tiredness was about to take over him completely, Aquila suddenly spoke.
"We're here." She said, as she rolled the sliding doors in front of her.

As she opened the doors, he was greeted by an amazing view. Just outside the gloomy passageway, there was a meadow, which stretched for a kilometres around them.

He stared ahead in awe, at the peaceful view ahead of him. Aquila walked out. When she noticed he hadn't come out, she turned to see him just standing and looking at the view, with his mouth left wide open.

"You should really come out of there now, Einar. I'm sure you don't want that door to close and lock you up forever in the rift." She said.
Einar suddenly came to his senses.
"No!." He exclaimed. "Of course not. I'm coming out now." He said, as he walked out of the rift. 

The moment his feet touched the floor, a cool, scented breeze blew around him.
When he inhaled the fresh air, he felt energised.
He didn't understand why, or how, just a breath of air could completely energise him. However, he was happy.

Ahead of him, Aquila pointed upwards, north of their present position.
"Do you see those hills?" She asked.
"Yes. I do." He replied. "Is that where Lord Jiro is?" He asked.
"Yes." She replied. "His palace is on the top of the middle hill.
"Ohhh!." He exclaimed. "I see."

Suddenly, it dawned on him, that the hills were far into the horizon. Besides that, she had said it was on the top of the middle hill.
The top of the middle hill, was lost in the clouds. It was so high up, his stomach dropped on imagining having to climb that.

"Um, Aquila." He began.
"May I ask a question?" He said.
"Go on, what is it?" She asked.
"It's about that hill. It's a little to high up for me to climb. Besides that, they are more like mountains, than hills!" He said.
"So that's what you were worried about!" She exclaimed. "Don't worry, we will only walk to the foot of the hill. I'll fly you to the top." She said.
"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed. "I'm not so good a climber, so, it would have been hard and time wasting.

"You're welcome!" She said. " Let's start walking. It's best if we arrive there as early as we can." She said, as they walked to join a paved walkway, leading to the foot of the hill.

The Golden Heights

Jiro sat on his golden throne, Agni standing by him. His first growth spurt had occurred lately, and he now looked like a six year old.

A messenger walked in and announced the presence of an fallen.

"She must be back!. Let her in." Jiro said.
Soon, the doors were throw open, and Belphegor walked into the throne room.

At the foot of the flight of stairs leading to his throne, she knelt.
"I have returned, my lord." She stated.
"How did it go?" Jiro asked.
"It was successful. They are presently trapped in the Void." She replied.
"That's good." Jiro said. "Anything you would like to add?" He asked.

"Yes, my Lord." She replied. "It's just my intuition, but I felt I might as well tell you anyway."
"You can say it." Jiro said.
"Like I said, it's just an intuition, but I get the feeling they will break out in the shortest possible future."
"Is that so?" He asked.
"Yes, my Lord. It's what I feel might happen."

"How long do you think it will be?"he asked.
"Probably about thirty earth years or so."
She replied.
"Then that's good." Jiro said. "That's enough time, to fully train those who shall bear the seal."

"You have done well, Belphegor. Well done. You may take your leave now."
"Yes. My Lord" she said, as she vanished in a wisp of smoke.

Jiro adjusted in his throne.
"The final piece, is all that's left." He said silently, then smiled.


So that's the new chapter. I'm so sorry for the late updates.

I think I'll officially only post on Saturdays or Sundays now. My weekdays are completely occupied, so any updates during the week don't seem realistic.

I hope you enjoyed the new chapter, please don't forget to VOTE. Especially if you liked it.

And for those who haven't figured it out, the person on the horse is Belphegor.

So... That's all for now. Bye!

Red Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن