This Crazy Knight.

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"I have a plan that could get us out of here." Donahue said. "But for it to work, we would need your help, Lord Draven.
"Ho?!" Draven exclaimed. " Just when I thought of one too." He said. "Anyway, let's hear your's first."

Donahue narrated everything thing he had in mind, then concluded. "Let's just hope this works. If it doesn't, it could mean our ends."

"Don't worry." Dolion said. "It's better than nothing. Right?"
"I guess so." Donahue replied.
"It should work." Draven said. "It's exactly what I've been thinking about. Let's carry it out."

Draven then stretched out his right arm, then using his finger, he traced the pattern of a circle. Soon, it began rotating, and expanding simultaneously.

Immediately, the cleaner picked up speed, and began to close up the space between them. Sensing the danger, they picked up their pace.

"This is bad." Bela commented. "My hold on this space is weakening. It's like someone's trying to keep us trapped in here. At this rate, this space will collapse."

"Hold on tight, Bela." Bora yelled. "Just a little more.
"How long till it's complete." Dolion asked.
"About five minutes." Draven replied, trying to focus on the circle, which seemed to fluctuate in its size.
"Damnit!"Dolion yelled. "It's just too long."

'This is bad.' Donahue thought. 'I had a feeling the cleaner would respond to creating another space, but not like this. It's going too fast now. At this rate, we are going to get wiped out.'
'I need to buy us time.' he reasoned. 'What do I do?'. Suddenly, he came to a conclusion. 

"I have an idea." Donahue yelled.
"What are you thinking of doing". Dolion asked.
"I'll buy us time. Draven will continue creating the gate. I'll hold the cleaner of."

"Are you insane?!" Dolion and Bora yelled simultaneously.
"How are you even supposed to do that. Bora asked. "You do know that you can't use any form of magic here, right?"

"Yeah, I'm aware of that." Donahue replied. "Then what are you up to." Dolion asked.
"You'll see when I've done." He replied.
"Just keep going on ahead. I will only be able to buy us about a minute or so. It's best for you all to keep running.

"Okay, if you are so sure about it, then there's no point stopping you."Dolion said.
"Just don't die on us!"Bora yelled as the other knights advanced. Donahue stopped running, and turned to face the incoming cleaner.

At this time, the cleaner was about twenty feet away from Donahue. Somehow, they had managed to put some more gap between them. Nevertheless, it was covering the gap, and was heading straight for him.

Ten feet more.

Five feet,

Three feet,

An explosion rocked the passageway where they ran, shacking the whole environment.

"What was that!" Bora yelled, as Donahue joined them, missing an arm.
"An explosion?" He replied half-heartedly.
"Of course I know it's an explosion. An asking what you did." Bora retorted.
"Oh! That's what you meant!." He said.

"Long story short, I blew it up with a soul bomb." Donahue said.
"A soul bomb?." When did you make that. Dolion asked.
"Remember in Mu, when Draven gave each of us a share of the souls gathered?.
"Yes, I remember."
"There was this particularly bitter soul. It had lots of malice and hatred in it. So, instead of discarding it, I made it into a soul bomb. Apparently it worked well."

"I'm still not sure how that soul bomb made light dissipate." Dolion asked.
"It didn't dissipate light Dolion, the cleaner has a transparent membrane covering it. What's inside it isn't regular light. It's hot, glowing plasma."Donahue responded.
"And did you know that before you blew it out?"
"Not exactly." Donahue said. " I had no idea that what was inside it was plasma. However, I did think there was membrane covering it."

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