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A random deserted planet

On an icy wasteland. Draven sat on a throne, inside a crystal palace. This had previously belonged to the ruler of this Planet. Somehow, he had managed to unify the whole continent under his rule, some years back. Things were finally begining to calm down, as he had successfully silenced the rebels that fought against his rule.
He was indeed, a mighty warrior, and an excellent leader, both in war, and in politics.

However, even with all his power and intelligence, in the presence of Draven, he was like an ant.
Prior to Draven's arrival, he had been warned by one of his seers, that someone dangerous, strong enough to wipe out the entire empire, was coming.
He had responded to the warning, and generated enough military force, and firepower, to take down an entire planet worth of troops.

Draven had arrived as soon as the defence was set in place. With a snap of his fingers, all souls on the planet, left their bodies, and were consumed. They didn't have the chance to attack. Even with all their efforts, they were wiped out in less than a second. They died, not knowing what hit them.

As Draven sat, his four generals walked into the throne room, and saluted him.
"Lord Draven." Bela began. " We have searched the entire planet. Their are no survivors."
"If that is so, we shall move on to the next one..." Draven replied, as he stood. "A magnificent planet, bursting with life. The planet... Earth." Draven smirked as he continued.

"It is said, that the planet Earth has one of his most favoured species, the humans.
It would be a problem, if he actually comes to fight for them." Dolion said.
"You have a point, Dolion. It would be a problem, if he did come down." Draven replied. "But!" He said sharply." He cannot do that."

"And why is that?" Bora asked,
"That's because, if he does so, he would be breaking his own rule of not interfering directly with any of his creatures, even if they are facing the toughest difficulties." Draven replied.
"If that's so... I suggest we tread with care." Dolion said. "It would be reckless of us to assume they won't be protected at all."

"You have a point, Dolion."Bela said. "Lord Draven surely knows that. I assume he's one to tread with care."
"You are right... Bela." Draven replied. "After Earth, we will return here and stay under his rader. We'll stay put for some time, then we'll strike suddenly."

"I think that's a good plan." Dolion said. "We should be going now. Earth is within our grasp."
Bela put his hands together, and muttered a spell under his breath. Then, he put his index and middle fingers together, and drew a circle in mid air. The circle shined brightly and expanded, till it became big enough for them to walk into it.

"This should take us beside Earth's sun." Bela said. "We shall make up our strategy, incase Jiro has decided to assist them."
"If that's so... We shall go now." Draven said, as all five of them walked into it at once.


People shook in fear, as the earth shook greatly. An earthquake, more massive than ever recorded, shook the whole Earth. Surprisingly, tall structures bid not collapse as expected. People where scared nevertheless, as they expected that to br last day of their existence. Little did they know, that much more was to come.

Just below the southern end of the newly formed continent, a loud crack was heard, and a fissure in the sea bed appeared. It immediately began to stretch, heading towards the northern end, going around the back of the planet. This fissure, grew deeper into the earth, heading toward it's core, as it grew longer, heading towards the northern end of the earth.

Scientists all around the new megacontinent, were alerted, and began running about, trying to gather knowledge on what to do. Soon, the Earth began opening, till took on an almost flat structure, curving at the edges. The Earth's core however didn't split, as it hovered below like a molten moon. The Earth in a now almost flat structure, stopped shaking. The world was thrown into confusing, as what just happened, was not realistic any way.

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