Chapter 2 - The Best friend

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The Best Friend

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The Best Friend

May 29, 2018 - Tuesday

Indie roamed the lonely hallways of Capehill High, passing the mini grotto that was erected on Monday as she headed to her locker. A good majority of the students were already in class, leaving only a few stragglers behind like herself.

Slamming her locker shut, she hurried along to her class. As she passed the mini grotto again, she paused and stared at the smiling picture of Jessie Raegan. Momentarily feeling a hint of sadness for the girl.

She would've been a part of the 2018 Seniors this year. The bell rang loudly and she shook her head, momentarily pushing away any thoughts about Jessie Raegan and her murder for the time being. Time for class.

Indie entered the room and sat at the far back. Usually she sat in front, but with Jessie's case starting to creep in to the front of her mind and the fact that Emily usually sat in the back during History, she chose to change seats. Even if only for a day.

She waited patiently for Emily to enter, hoping that she could talk to her and gain her confidence enough for an interview. And if that didn't work, she could always ambush interview her - she sincerely hoped it wouldn't get to that point.

Five minutes before the final bell, Emily entered the room. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she was wearing a black dress. Her make-up was immaculate as usual but the tiredness and sadness was oozing off of her in waves. Emily's back was slumped, and her eyes were red from crying.

Ignoring everyone and their stares, she headed straight to the back with her head held high. She slid into the sit next to Indie, not bothering to acknowledge her presence.

"Hey." Indie began.

Emily turned and blankly stared at Indie before turning to the front once more.

"I'm sorry about Jessie."

Emily clenched her jaw before turning to Indie once more.

"Thanks Indie." She rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Now will you please stop talking?"

Unfazed, Indie nodded and turned away. She needed to find a way to get Emily to talk willingly.

"Good morning class!" The booming voice of their professor, Mr. Ridian resounded around and jostled Indie out of her thoughts. "Today, we'll continue on our lesson about the first world war."

Indie began to drift out of the lesson as the professor droned on. She noticed, from the corner of her eye, that Emily didn't seem interested. She looked bothered.


The last bell of the day rang, and everyone ran out - excited that the day had finally ended.

Who killed Jessie Raegan? (EDITING AND UPDATING)Where stories live. Discover now