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The cops were not far behind him. I held on to Mark, sobbing as he sat on the ground holding me and reassuring me it was over. River wasn't going to hurt us again.

Once the police entered they were given a rundown of the scenario by both Mark, River, and I. Rivers claim was the only one out of the ordinary and by the looks of me and our history, they believed Mark and I.

They had arrested River from what Mark had explained to me. Their cussing out the car door shook me to the core but, I was reassured by Mark that they couldn't come back from this.

"Let's get you to the hospital. Rose is on her way there to get checked out." He said in a soft tone as we walked to Mark's car.

I couldn't help but to smile at the thought of seeing my daughter without the thought of trying to fight to protect her.

Mark helped me to the car and we set our course to the hospital.

The hospital staff put both Rosey and I in the same room while they checked us over. They explained that she was panicking the entire time and wouldn't leave the side of the man that had brought her in.

As soon as Mark brought me in Rose greeted me with a hug, almost knocking me over. She sounded like she'd cried all she could and she was out of breath from it, but once she'd seen me she couldn't help but to continue.

I picked her up to try and calm her down while the doctor's escorted us to a room.

I sat on a bed holding Rose while they checked us over individually. The doctor looked over my arms noticing the handprints they had given to me as well as my sore head that had apparently begun to bleed from being slammed to hard.

Rose was malnourished, she hadn't eaten properly in the time I was gone and as I held her, I could feel her small bone poking me. They also noticed small bruises and bumps in areas that would align with my bruises.

I kissed the top of Rose's head hearing the doctors as they continued listing more and more. I felt horrible for all the time I was gone. And I was sure I can't change it.

But I can make up for it now.

I had taken a shower while after I helped give Rose a bath with the supervision of a doctor to check for anymore signs of abuse or to help in general.

After I helped brush her hair carefully, her hair unbelievably tangled. And since it was still so late I laid with Rose in our bed and finally rested, knowing nothing can hurt us anymore.

Once we woke, more doctors had came in to check on us and our injuries. They recommended that Rose should eat something like pudding or applesauce to start on recovery.

As for me, just to keep my head elevated and clean. But they never mentioned the dizziness that came with it.

I laid my head back down in hopes to get rid of the headache. Rose holding on to me, watching the TV. I could hear her little voice gasp at the shows, making me smile as I held her close.

After a while of laying down, I heard a pair of footsteps walk in quietly. I didn't pick my head up in hopes the doctor would walk away and get the hint.

I felt Rose look over at the door before turning back and crawling up to my ear. "Ren, it's the man.." She whispered before looking back.

I turned my head a little bit to whisper back in her ear. "What man?" I asked quietly hoping 'the man' wouldn't hear.

"The man from the phone." She whispered back before sitting up.
"Hi!" Rose said to him.

"Mark?" I asked, as I sat up opening my eyes. Light flashed into my eye and I covered my face. "F-Fuck."

Love at First Sight (Markiplier x Blind!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now