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"Can I kiss you...?"

Mark's voice was quiet as he spoke, our faces inches from each other.

Even from knowing Mark for almost a year now and dating him for a few months, we hadn't shared a first kiss. It was a mutual thing. We had just started to share a bed and it never felt like the right time.

Mark was romantic enough that a kiss was never needed to show how much he liked me..

Or now loved me...

I smile as I wrap my hands around his torso still maintaining eye contact with him. "When you said you loved me.. Was that true?"

I watched as Mark's eyes lit up for a second but relaxed them, smiling back at me. "Of course it was."

"Then yes. You can kiss me." I reply back.

Mark adjusted his grip on Rose, raising his hand to hold her back as his other hand wraps around my back to hold me, pulling me close.

We both lean forward, closing our eyes as our lips touch one anothers. Butterflies filled my stomach, my feet felt like I was floating on the clouds the entire time. It was a dizzing experience but I never wanted to come down from it.

As we parted, Mark's eyes never left my lips making me smile again. "I love you too Mark."

Mark's eyes quickly looked to me as he quietly gasped at what I said. A smile coming to his face. He broke away from our close hold and gently but quickly grabbed Rose from his shoulder. Mark slowly swung her around as he held her in his arms.

"Did you hear that Rose! They love me too!" Mark called out as he spun making us two laugh.

After our moment together, We decided to go down to the cafeteria. Rosey, we were sure, was starting to get hungry and Mark told us Jack was waiting for us.

Jack was worried after last night's incident and wanted to check on us but decided to let Mark do so since it was me.

I held Rose in my hand as Mark helped us down to the cafeteria. He explained that it would be even more fun if we tried to spot Jack ourselves with my new 'sight'.

I thought it was ridiculous but then I remembered all the phrases Jack would yell at me. My poor ears.

I whispered the phrase into Rose's ear and told her to yell it once we got to the cafeteria.

The smell of the food there hit and it smelled amazing. I'd have to grab some after we find Jack. I looked to Rose and saw her holding her stomach in hunger as well.

I counted us down, the quicker we find him the quicker I get her food.

"3-2-1." I counted.

"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA!" Rose and I both call making Mark laugh.

Everyone turned their heads at us, making me feel embarrassed. One of the heads that turned had stood up and ran over.

"Fucking hell you two." The familiar Irish man called out.

I smile as I looked him up and down. "Seán?"

"Yeah?" He asked as stopping as he reached us. "What's up?"

I looked him over this time, the light not hitting as right but just enough that I could pick out a few details.

He had a beard that I wouldn't have guessed was there. His hair was dark and raggedy. Most likey the two have been here since last night waiting for visiting hours.

Jack looked at Mark, he looked more confused than ever. "What up you two?"

"What color are your eyes?" I asked Jack curiously.

Love at First Sight (Markiplier x Blind!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora