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"Buckle up cause we're going to the Zoo!"

"Zoo! Zoo! Zoo!" Rose kept repeating as we drove. She clapped after every word and hopped in her seat smiling.

"And what's at the zoo?" Mark asked.

Rose opened her mouth before closing it, not being able to think of an animal that was at the zoo.

"Mark.." I whispered to him. "We've never been to the zoo.."

He looked to me with wide eyes. "You're joking right..?"

I shake my head as I look back at Rose. She was confused as she looked outside, looking for an animal that could possibly be in a zoo.

"No fucking way." Mark whispered as he turned into a building. "Well we've got to do everything!" He said as he parked and hopped out of the car.

Even after regaining some of my sight, Mark insisted that he opens the door for both Rose and I.

As we stepped out, Mark held our hands and sped walked to the entrance. He paid for tickets and Mark ran inside with Rose. As they ran, I took my phone out, taking a picture as they stopped to gawk at the animals.

After the picture I soon admired the animals that surrounded us at the entrance. In the distance we could hear elephants, monkey's, and birds.

Rose hopped up and down excitedly as she pointed towards a path. "Let's go! Let's go!"

Mark's snagged a map and checked what path we'd be going on..
Bears first.

He seemed to look at it for a while, his hand tracing out a complicated path. But not long after he nodded as he took our hands.

"Alright. Let's go see the bear's." Mark said with a smile.

We traveled around the zoo, looking at the animals and petting a few of them. Rose seemed to enjoy the penguins the most but Mark continued to tell us there was much more to explore.

One after another I fell in love with the zoo and the animals inside of it. Eventually we ended up back at the entrance.

Rose tugged on my hand and pointed to the restroom. "Got to go." She said as she pointed.

I looked to Mark. "I'm going to take her to the bathroom.. meet at the next exhibit?" I asked as I began walking to the bathroom.

"Go on. I'll meet you at the butterfly room. It's too the right of here." Mark called to me as he began to walk. I gave him a thumbs up as I walked to the bathroom with Rose.

Walking back out I saw no sign of Mark. So we started off to the butterfly exhibit.

It was near the bird exhibit, so it was loud. Hearing the different sounds of the many calls of the birds made many different people cover their ears, including Rose.

"Too loud" She said as she walked ahead of me. Rose continued to repeat it as she walked. I watched her as we got to the entrance making sure she wouldn't disappear.

Not a second later, she turned on me and put her hands out. "Stop!" She called. "You wait. I'll go in first." Rose waved a finger at me trying to act older.

I shake my head. "No, we'll go in together." I told her as I turned her back around. She shook her head pushing me back.

"No no no!" Rose yelled. "Mark told me that you have to wait!"

I stopped before I opened the door, looking down at her, Rose on the brink of tears. "Why did Mark say that?"

"It's your surprise.." She sniffed, wiping a tear away.

My surprise..? I thought it was our surprise..

I sighed and nodded as I opened the door a tiny bit. "Go on just yell to me when your with Mark." I tell her still unsure about the 'surprise'.

Rose smiled at me as she pushed the door open and ran in. I stood by the door and waited, hearing her tiny voice call out "I got Mark!" And laughing.

I continued to wait to only have Rose come back to the door, waving me in. "Come on! Come on!" She said as she ran back to Mark.

I nodded at her as I walked in, my eyes wide as I look around at the many butterflies that surrounded us.
The few colors that I could see had popped out more. The butterflies flew past me and sat on flowers near by.

As I looked around I looked to Mark who was standing by a tree where the majority of the butterflies sat.
In his hands was a guitar. He held it tightly as he took a few breaths.

"Mark?" I asked as I stepped forward. "What is this?"

"I'm sorry.. I'm still new to playing but I've got a song for you.." Mark said quietly, any higher his voice would be shaky.

"Here?" I asked. "What about.."

I was interrupt by Mark's quiet strumming that started getting louder.

I stood and listened to Mark, Rosey coming to me to listen as well, pointing out the butterflies behind him.

I couldn't stop smiling and gawking throughout the entirety of the song. I felt like it applied to our lives.

As he finished the song, Mark's face looked flushed. He set down the guitar and took a few steps to me.

"Mark that was beautiful." I started to say before I watched Mark get down on one knee. I gasped as I covered my mouth.

"(Y/n)." He said as he reached in his back pocket. "I love you so much. And I love Rose as well." Mark pulled out a small box.

He reached for my hand with a smile. "I know I've only known you for a year. And we got into a little disagreement... but-"

I took his hand, kneeling down with him as Rose and I huddled close. My eyes teared up as I listened to him.

"(Y/n).. Will you marry me."

//Song from the cover is the song mark sings. If you need the link again, here it is
From Marks 'You're Welcome Tour'

I just love his singing. 😍

One last part 🍷


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