24. Simon

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The coffee in Tayla's pot is still warm when I get out of bed and pad into the kitchen. I pour a cup and stare at Rex and Pixie who are circling each other, tails wagging. The first sip is liquid satisfaction.

In the living room, I take a deep breath. She let me stay, and she told me I didn't need to rush out this morning. Progress, right?

When the front door clicked behind her, this deep sense of rightness settled over me. This is where I should have been all along—with her. I rub my face and sink into the couch, staring at the blank TV screen in front of me.

Last night when she grabbed my hand, called me Soulmate Simon with a twinkle in her eye, and then led me into the bedroom, my rush of pleasure was followed by a twinge of guilt. I should come clean about GameSetMatch and their terrible tactics. I'm letting fear hold me back, and if I keep doing that, I'll fuck up somehow and let her slip through my fingers again. Fear drove me from her six years ago.

My phone buzzes with a text, and I grab it off the coffee table. A grin spreads across my face at Tayla's message.

Is it weird that work is a thousand times harder today knowing you're still in my bed?

My fingers fly over the keyboard. Does it make it better or worse to know I'm actually sitting on your couch drinking your coffee?

Her reply is immediate. Worse. The only thing that'll cure me is chocolate cake.

Shame I'm not much of a baker. I check the time and realize the cupcake shop in the plaza not far from Tayla's house is open now. Grabbing my keys off the table and clipping Pixie's leash, I whistle for Rex and head for my car in the driveway. If the lady wants cake, I'll get her cake.

~ * ~

Sandy glances up from behind the receptionist desk when I enter the vet clinic. Mike, Tayla's business partner, is peering over Sandy's shoulder at something on the desktop screen.

"Can I help you?" Mike asks, eyeing Rex before he spots Pixie. "You've got Tayla's dog."

Sandy cocks her head. "Mike, I'm not sure if you remember, but this is Fucking Simon." She pauses for a thoughtful beat. "Or is it dickhead Simon? Tayla seemed to use them interchangeably, so I'm not sure exactly what plane we're on here." She uses her hands to indicate low and lower.

I smother a smile. "Soulmate Simon, actually." I drop Pixie's leash to offer Mike my hand and he shakes it. My other hand has a latte and a paper bag with a chocolate cupcake clutched in it.

"Soulmate Simon?" Sandy raises her eyebrows. "Quite a glow up in two weeks. Does Tayla know you're calling yourself that?" She clicks at Pixie, and the puppy circles the desk excitedly.

Tayla laughs from the examination room closest to the desk, and I turn to see her leaning against the doorjamb. "I might even have used it myself last night. I was still riding a high from the mega drop."

"Six times," I remind her, the ache in my chest easing at the sight of her. "And the car you pegged as yours outlasted mine in the derby." Which meant her race to the orgasmic finish line came much faster than mine when we got back to her house. When she rose onto her toes last night and whispered her idea for the bet in my ear, I wasn't about to turn her down. "Someone ordered cake?" I hold up the bag and coffee.

"You brought me cake?" Tayla eyes the bag. "Chocolate?"

"Is there any other kind?"

"And coffee?"

"A latte."

Her honey brown eyes light with amusement. "Someone's trying really hard to get off...my naughty list."

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