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Arriving at Merlotte's parking lot, she wanted to have an early start before her shift. She glanced out of her car window, seeing Sam unload his truck with boxes of supplies for his restaurant. She exited out of the car with a smile, "Hey Sam." With a smile in return, he dropped the box he was holding on the ground as he approached, wrapping his arms around tightly, giving her a warm hug.

"You okay?" With his face burrowed in her hair, he took a long inhale of her scent while they hugged.

"Yeah, I'm fine." By releasing the hug, he glanced at her.

"Did Jason take good care of you?" His hands were placed onto his hips, examining her.

"Yes, he did. Did Sookie come in today?" Feeling curious, she wanted to know if she was coming in at the same time as her. Oddly enough, she felt eager to talk to Sookie, although her thoughts were judgmental on her decisions with that vampire, Bill Compton. From Bill participating in a battle with the vampire who tried to kill Wynter, she was grateful.

"No, she will be taking shift at night." Wynter was used to working alongside with Sookie, it was quite different for her to work during the day. However, it was her first time after the incident.

"Oh. Who's on duty for today?" Curiosity hit amongst her; she tilted her head to the side.

"Dawn and you." Wynter's expression morphed to be relaxed because she liked Dawn. They had the same personality which they get along quite well. Agreeing to it, she nodded, giving Sam a kiss on the cheek and sashayed inside the restaurant. She was in a good mood because 1. She had sex recently, unfortunately with Jason, but had a great release. And 2. Wynter and her mother had a great time last night by having pleasant conversations and not fought once.

As she walked inside, the establishment wasn't crowded as the busy nights. Seeing Dawn set up tables before opening, she was placing placemats and silverware. Dawn Green is an attractive young woman with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She had a nice figure that caught men's attention. Her pretty smile always permeated the atmosphere because her personality made the customers feel relaxed and comfortable, especially her looks. Dawn told Wynter about the desirable intentions with Jason with her consistently; Jason was attracted to her at the time. According to Jason's interests, he went after fine-looking women, like Dawn and Wynter. A while back, he asked them to have a threesome; however, they never agreed.

"Hey Dawn." With a wide smile, she approached her; excited to work beside her. Working with Arlene and Sookie during the nights, Dawn never gave her a difficult time like them.

"Hey sweetie." She dropped what she was doing, turning to her as she gave her a big bear hug. In addition, they developed a close relationship.

Wynter attended tables to customers to take orders as Merlotte's became crowded throughout the day. It was almost 4pm, which it was the supper hour. Seeing Sookie walk in with Jason, Hoyt, Rene, Arlene, and Tara, she saw Sookie act different. Lafayette was in the kitchen, cooking as per usual. Terry Bellefleur, who was the substitute chef took over whenever Lafayette wasn't around. He has an odd personality because he is a veteran of the military; considering that he suffers PTSD. In addition, he was related to Andy Bellefleur, who is the detective in Renard Parish. Sookie's actions caught Wynter's attention, happier and energetic. 'How odd.' As she glanced around, Tara smiled at Wynter when she went behind the bar to start her shift. She returned the smile, means as for now they were getting along. Jason winked at Wynter with a devious grin on his face, staring at Dawn and her. He bit his lip hard; she knew he was thinking inappropriate thoughts of them together. Shaking her head, she lost focus on Jason as she watched Sookie carefully. She didn't bother to approach her, so she continued to attend to hungry customers as these hicks complain about not receiving their food fast enough. Overhearing Sookie's conversation, she explained her story to Sam and the others at the bar how she saved Bill from the Rattrays. Although she was attacked senselessly, Wynter thought it was stupid of Sookie to involve herself to Bill's mishap. She stopped writing on her notepad while the customer was telling their order, she tuned herself out by listening in.

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