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Jason furrowed his brows with a concerned expression because Wynter made another encounter with a vampire that has made it worst for her. He perched up from the bed, giving her an excessive glare. "What? My sister with a vampire? Where did you go with Sookie and this vampire?" Wynter chewed her lip, rubbing her nape because she felt nervous about speaking the truth, but Jason was an idiot for trying V in the first place. It involved vampires regardless.

"At a vampire bar. We went with Bill, the one that Sookie seemed interested in, but she wanted to find answers about Maudette and Dawn's deaths."

"A vampire bar?" He raised a brow, inquiring about this vampire bar they went to. Instantly he is quite pissed.

"Fangtasia. It's in Shreveport." She crossed her arms, letting out an aggravated sigh.

Jason leaped off the bed and firmly grasped Wynter's arms, his face inches apart from her, and his eyes implying fear for her life. However, his tone didn't seem to be. He was furious and petrified for her safety. "You know you could have been killed. I don't trust any of those bloodsuckers. They could've put their hands on you and drink you dry!" She shoved him off his grip as she felt triggered by being touched disrespectfully, especially by a man.

"Don't touch me like that. I'm not your fucking girlfriend, so you shouldn't care what I do! I wasn't in any danger. Bill made sure Sookie and I were safe!" She bellowed from the freakout and did not allow a man to tell her what to do, mainly finding justice for her friend, Dawn. She resumed on her rant, "I wanted to find answers on why Dawn got killed and make sure if a vampire didn't kill her!"

Jason swallowed as tears began to overwhelm his eyes, staring blankly at her. It made him fear for her life even more. "Wynter."

"Don't." Holding up her palm to his face, she silenced him. It was hard not to tear up in front of Jason. She sashayed and picked up her clothes off the floor beside the bed to quickly get dressed. Immediately after, she opened his bedroom door, where she stopped by the doorway and sighed, without looking back, "You can't tell me what to do or where to go, I am my own woman, and you will never tell me otherwise. Goodbye Jason." After her final words, she walked away, he instantly grabbed her wrist from stopping her from leaving, but she snatched her hand away. She stormed out of his house, not saying another word. Her car keys were right by the door on an end table, and she grabbed them instantly. She slammed the door closed as she ran to her car soon as she can. Knowing it was late at night, nearly 5 am, she knew her mother would be awake and start questioning her disappearance.

Wynter finally arrived home, which obviously, the porch light was on. 'Just as I thought, she's awake.' Sighing, she turned off the engine and exited out of the car, whereas she was getting ready to face her mother this early in the morning. She didn't want to deal with any more bullshit. It was late, and she had work the next day. Slowly walking inside the house, she found her mother sitting on the couch; her expression was worried and impatient. She closed the door as the click from the lock made a noise to draw attention. Her mother ran to Wynter by giving her a tight hug. "Where were you?"

Wynter weakly hugged her back with an eye roll as she stroked her back lightly to give her mother ease. "Mom, I'm tired. I had a very long stressful day." She planted a light kiss on her forehead and released the hug to go upstairs to her bedroom to get rest. Her mother was left suspicious. Eric was imprinted inside her mind, dazzled by his features, and the way he spoke made her feel strange about a vampire just like him. 'He was beautiful, but I can't engage myself on a vampire.' She changed into her pajamas and plopped on her bed. Staring at the ceiling, she kept thinking about what Bill did to the officer down at the country road after escaping the bar raid. Also, about Eric. Why was he so fascinated about her? Finally, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep within minutes.

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