[2] The visit day

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*Ida's POV*

I was finally there.

Infront of my old high school.

So many moments spent here.

Lots were good, but some, I guess as everybody, were nasty to remember.

I felt myself out of place.
Why was I there for?

I didn't really want to visit anyone.

If that was so, I would have done it before.

Anyways, I entered after passing the principal gate which was now painted in a darker tone. It looked better than that antique and boring dirty grey color.

-Good morning!

The secretary smiled at me and opened the inner gate, smily.

It was another one, I presume.
She had curly grey hair and blue eyes.

The last, Veronica, was blonde and had brown eyes.

-Good morning! Wait, aren't you too old to study here?

The old lady joked letting me enter.
I laughed along with her, looking around.

-You're for the visit day, right?

-Yes ma'am.

-Oh dear, I'm Jenny. Call me Jenny.

-I'm Ida, Ida Brown.

The lady rised her eyebrows and took her glasses off, cleaning them.

-Ooh dear I think I know who you are. My nephew went to school with you!

I felt a little bit awkward about not remembering it.

-Ohh... and his name was?

-Michael, dear. It's okay. You were just 6 year old, and he left 2 years upon he arrived.

-Oh i think i remember, Jenny. He was very silent.

-Trust me, he's still.

She giggled a little and pat my shoulder a couple of times.

-Don't entertain with this old lady! Go or you'll miss the hour!

I nodded and went straight to 7th grade class.

I hope she was still there; Mrs.Pyper.

Mrs. Pyper was my history teacher, always so kind and funny.

I really enjoyed her classes.

I knocked on the door and entered when I had permission.

All the students were writing on their tables and whispering about me.

And I smiled to Pyper.

-My my! See who's here! My dear Ida! -she stood up and hugged me.


I didn't expect her to remember me.
She always joked of forgetting most of her students as she didn't like most of them.

Pyper has always been that sarcastic and classical to almost everybody.

But luckily, not to me!

-How are you?

-Here, giving these kids some homework to do. They are a good class, the best. Aren't you?

The kids smiled and said all together: "Yes, Mrs. Pyper".

-But the important thing now is you, my dear. Look at you! You are a grown up woman already.

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