[9] Finding answers

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Suddenly, Ida knocked on the she devil's door.

-Who is? -answered a femenine voice.

-I-Ida... Ida Brown.

When the door opened, Rose appeared infront of the girl, with a red dress on.

The brunette felt how the ambience and that woman gave her chills.

Everything grey in the sky and that big creepy house with that beautiful, but dangerous woman.

-My  how did you guess where I live? I believe you did the same with your beloved when you were younger. (Psycho...) - she whispered at the end.

Ida blushed and looked really annoyed.

-I just...  I forgot my keys at home. And I'm getting very cold... could I enter? - she held her horses and try not to get mad.

The blonde sighed and nodded.

-Just a moment, Miss Brown.

As they entered back, Ida's green eyes observed the place from the inside.

It was creepily beautiful in the inside, like those vintage houses that still make you shiver.

-Beautiful house.- Ida lied, so Rose wouldn't suspect of her stay.

-I know right? Thank you. Well, tell me! How have you left your keys inside your house?

-I just did... I went for a walk and I realized I hadn't brought them.

-Oh?...-she crossed her arms sitting down, offering a seat to Ida too-And Pyper? Isn't she there with you?

-Yes... but she may be asleep,  as she didn't get my calls. Maybe in one hour she may have woken up.

Mrs. Rose sighed again.

-What a mess you are, Miss Brown. You haven't changed.

She laughed, and Ida looked quite awkward.

-Don't worry, dear. I'm joking.

-Hey and... about this morning... do you know what happened to Brigitte?...

Rose's pale face became even paler.

-Brigitte - she repeated serious- oh... poor thing. But I'm not going to tell you. Enough did Anne on telling it...

-But she is such a sweet woman. How?

-How? Well, it's not gold all that shines, Miss Brown.

-And? I know her very much. She is like my mother... i believe she wasn't.

-Well! I told Brigette so, and I...

-Wait- Ida shook her head-  you told Brigitte it was Anne? - Ida asked in an acussative tone.

-I did... because I know Anne told the secret...only three people knew it. And she is one of them

-People like who?

-Enough, do you think I'm responsible of that whore's mistake?

-Don't dare to call her that! - Ida stood up.

Mrs. Rose punched her wooden table, which made the poor Ida jump.

-I see. So you have feeling for this one.

-She is like my mother, I told you. And don't tear away the main topic, Rose.

-Sure, Miss Brown.

-If Anne was your friend, why would you acusse her of that? Just because some other people told you?

-Believe it or not- her voice tone was higher-  I have evidence. If you are doubting, dear. Marissa Harrison. The arts teacher; she will sure tell you what Anne revealed.

Ida was now confused and everything which seemed to be answered in her head, her arguments, were now broken down.

But what other speciality but this had Mrs. Rose?


-Yes, I'll give you her number, her and another teacher. Mr. McField.

-Alright... but I haven't...

-Here, my number - she handed the brunette a card with it, she wrote her phone number very quickly.

Ida thought for a moment that she wasn't even able to remember her own one, and it looked like she was always prepared for everything.

That nothing wrong went in her life.


-Thank you.

-Well, were you really here hiding from cold? Or finding... answers to your suspicion?

Ida gasped and closed her eyes.

-I am just worried about Brigitte

The blue-eyed got closer with a serious demeanor and whispered:

-You can't help what happened to her. None could, none can, and none will.

The young girl stood frozen and her tea was on the wooden table, almost filled and expecting it as obvious, cold.

Ida's eyes seeked some tears and turned around.

-Thanks for the tea, Rose.

-You are welcome... see you soon.

She said nothing and got out of the house, looking back.

"Why do always mean people win? But maybe... if she has evidence... maybe Anne just tried to seduce me to convince myself she wasn't..."

As she thought more, her cry did as well.

-Why does everyone play with me?... why does veryone lie to me?

The girl was coming back home, and knocked on the door.

Now crying in her friend's chest; who caressed her hair and sighed really worried.

*Mrs. Rose's POV*

I looked out of the window.

I can still remembering that face.

In dispair. Sad. Nervous. Confused.

Somehow... broken.

And when I saw the poor girl going out of my house...

It seems I left her even more broken.

And more confused, obviously.

Ironic, isn't it?

The kindest, the most broken of all.

The lonelinest, the most happy of all.

Seems my plan is going as I figured out.

And everyone will pay their fault.

When they left me there.


And now, my revenge is on its course.

Those bitches that I used to call 'friends' betrayed me in a way I will never forgive in any moment of my entire life.

And they will get what they deserve.

Although I didn't expect Ida to be on my revenge, I think I don't need to do anything else but existing myself.

This trouble I created it's hurting her by itself.

And I didn't move a single finger to hurt her.

It's surprising how being such an empathic person gets hurt by the other's problems, and soon their concerns also became yours.


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