[4] An unexpected arrival

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Something started to ring loudly next to me.

Damn. The alarm.
I swear I hate it.
It was already 7 in the morning.

Anyways, I was ready to get dressed properly.

I glanced myself at the mirror and smiled a little, as I was wearing a beautiful purple dress.

It was lovely, really.

And the color's Brigitte's favourite.


I turned around and looked outside the window.

Was this plan even going to function?

I kind of tried to find an answer in the pale clouds in the sky.


I should believe more in myself, and in Pyper. But I can't help feeling nervous.

When i was all ready to go, Pyper was too.
I think she waited for a long time for me.
She was holding a flusk, I presume it had coffee, so i handed it.

-Thanks, Pyper.

-Hurry up, dear. I made a call to your university.


-I said I was your mother. Then, they gave you permission to already start the practices. Today, if you want.

My face looked quite confused.
And my eyes were shining.
I could feel my nerves growing inside my stomach.

-Come on, girl! We have to drive to the High School.

As I proceeded silently, just because I actually couldn't believe I already was going to have a part-time work in my old High School.

As we entered in the car, before driving i looked myself in the car's little mirror.

-Dear, you look wonderful. She will love it, don't worry.

I glanced at Pyper and was about complaining, trying to refuse what she said.

Why was her assumption I still liked her?...

What the hell.
Who do I want to lie.

-... alright. So first I have to talk to the principal. Am I wrong?

-You are not. Mr.Parker. He's very polite so, it'll be easy for you to adapt well to the High School.

-But, they'll have to present me to the other people.

Pyper nodded and drank a little bit of her coffee in her VSCO flunk.

I smiled lightly; she wasn't that young to be VSCO but anyways.

She was even more modern than me.

When I started to drive to the High School, i observed also the places I was passing next to.

The park I always went to hang out with my friends, the bar me and my family used to visit in summer...

So many things here I left.
Just to go to LA.

I hope after ending the practices I can return to work here.

But I'm afraid I'm not that brilliant to stay here after practices.

It would be such a miracle.

Before I could realize, we got to arrive to the place.
I breathed in and walked confidently, next to Pyper.

I was trying to act as she told me:

'Dominant, confident' .

When we entered, I had to say goodbye to Pyper; she was still a teacher and had to assist her own class.

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