[8] Brigitte's secret

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As we arrived home, Pyper put the keys on the kitchen table and sighed, placing both of her hands over her face.

-I should have told you before, Ida...- she mumbled with a worrying tone, as she lighted one of her cigarrettes.

I could just stay confused.

As always, the last to know.

The last to understand.

-Pyper. Tell me what the fuck happened.

She looked me right in the eyes;maybe I was being too rude, but I was worried.


I sentenced seriously.

-It's a very delicate thing to talk about

-Like some humilliation, or something?

-Kind of, but is worse than you imagine.

I was waiting to hear Brigitte's secret already.

Because my mind couldn't think about what could have happened to my redhead in that right moment.

I was kind of blocked.

Then, broken the silence, the old woman blew the smoke from her lips and sighed.

-It was some years ago, 2 years ago, to be precise.

-Keep talking, I'll just listen.

-It was december. She was coming home by seven, by the time it was dark already... Brigitte went through a street really dangerous, drunk people and everything... oh, she lived with me for a few weeks because her house... anyways. She was trying to get out of the street as soon as she could, but it was too late. And a man, kidnapped her. I wasn't having any news of her, so I called the police.

-I don't want to hear what's next.

Pyper understood my sorrow and looked down crying a bit, as I dried my tears away.

- .... d-did she get... hurt?

-Yes, not so much. But we had to go to hospital and so on... but the thing is who in this world, can be that vile to reveal the secret? How could Anne do such a thing?! I won't for-!

-Listen. I don't think she spread it... I mean. She is the sweetest woman in the town. Come on. Don't you think someone wants to put the blame on her?

-I don't think so, my dear. The secret; she only told it to the closest ones: Me, Rose, Anne and well, now you know it.

-Wait, Rose?

- Yeah, why?

I laughed indignated.

-I know her very much, and as far as I know you don't share secrets. It must have been that bitch.

-Girl, watch your mouth. She is my friend, alright? I don't think she would do that. I am sure.

-And if Anne is your friend too what makes you think Rose is more innocent than her? Huh!? Are you fucking kidding me!?!

-Enough Ida! - her lit cigarrete was now in the trash can near her and her face looked furious.

And so was I.

-I will find out the guilty. One more thing-


-Was that son of a bitch imprisoned?

Pyper shook her head to both sides.

-Unfortunately no. That devil scaped unpanished.

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