[10] Rainy days

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Pyper stood all night long next to Ida, who cried until she fell asleep.

The old woman understood her bewilderment and confussion about everything. And yet so young, she thought.

She fell asleep in a chair next to the girl's bed.

When dawn was about to seek with its light rays through the window, with the curtains yet drawning with its little blue velvet glim, Ida opened her eyes; which were red of crying, and rubbed them until she saw everything clear.

In her sad face a little smile was drawn in her lips, as she saw her friend sleeping next to her.

'She's been with me all night' she thought 'I'm so lucky she is my friend'

Soon after, the brunette stood up and unlocked her phone to check if Rose sent her that woman "Marissa's" number.

Marissa Harrison - Add contact/ Send a message/Block

She sighed and added her number, texting her.

-Morning, Miss Harrison. I'm Ida Brown, the councelor of Salem High School. See, I wanted to know if you could call me. It's important.

Minutes later, when Ida had breakfast, Marissa's message was received.

-Good morning Miss Brown. Of course, mind if you give me some minutes? I'll call you in a moment

-Sure, no problem (delivered)


(Incoming call)

-Hi, Marissa Harrison, right?

-Yes. What has happened?

-Well, Mrs.Rose gave me your phone number... I wanted to ask you something urgent

-Sure, what is it? About the High School?

- Exactly - answered Ida, then asked- Tell me, is it true Madame Montgomery told you that Brigitte's secret that practically everyone is talking about?

The woman's voice sighed through the other line.

-It is true, yes. She did one day, like a gossip or something. I personally did not spread it so...

-Oh... I see... but, which day?

-Hey, Miss Brown, are you a policewoman? Because you seem to really want to be one

-Listen, I just need to know, alright?

-Fine. I don't remember, maybe, 2 weeks ago?

-Ok, thank you Miss Harrison. And sorry for troubling you.

-It's nothing I guess... have a nice day.

But before Marissa had ended her sentence, Ida ended the call quite angry.

-I just don't know who shall I believe in anymore...

-My what now? Talking alone?

Ida glanced jumping a little scared, and breathed in.

-... how much have you been there?

-Enough time to know you must be very fucked up mentally right now.

-Sorry, but I'm always in that mood. If you hadn't notice...

Pyper rolled her eyes and sat infront of me.

-You want answers, right? You want to know the truth. Fine. A thing we both want. We just want justice for our friend Brigitte. -at this, the brunette nodded .

My Redhead ⚢︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें