Chapter 31

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"January 19th, 1422,

My Henry,

I was so happy to receive your letter and hear about your happiness in our news. Little Henry already seems like he is not so little anymore, just a month old and he has already gotten so big, it makes me miss the days when he was so little he would fit in my one arm. Everyone who sees him says he is the biggest and strongest baby they have seen, you would be so proud to see him. I finally gave in to your suggestion to find him a wet nurse as he has me completely exhausted as I can't find it within myself to deny him his cries for milk any time day or night. Now with the wet nurse taking care of his cries during the night, I am able to finally sleep again and find myself gaining more strength and energy every day.

I am also so happy to hear of our news reinvigorating the army. I hope that the sooner this battle is over, the sooner we can go back to peace.

Your letter made me reminisce back to when I first arrived in England. The day we arrived you showed me to my own room and gave me the key, I spent my first night in England alone. I had been given very different expectations while I was growing up of what my life would be like after I was married off. You were right when you said that I hardly did believe you, part of the Treaty you agreed to, after all, was that any children we bear would be my Father's heirs. So then when you did not pursue me, in that way, I wasn't sure what to believe.

The fact that you only wanted that part of our marriage to be out of love, was so the opposite of my training growing up that I was... jealous and angry. Angry because that was all I had ever wanted, a dream I thought would always be out of my reach. Love. My father used to tell me, "How rare it is to find love in this world, especially among kings and queens and arranged marriages. While you may never get to experience this love for yourself, love of country and its people will give you fulfillment, I promise, and on that you must focus." So when you told me you loved me, and only wanted to be with me if I felt the same way- something so rare in my life- I hardly knew how to process it.

But now I understand, I understand why you wanted our child to come from a place of love rather than duty. I only hope our little Henry will one day have the same fortune as we have had in love.

Yes, Philippa wrote to me that she hopes to be here by the end of March, I am overjoyed at the prospect. It will be great for Henry to get to meet his cousin, and I have missed our sister dearly. I will do as you say and invite her to stay for as long as she can.

I have been so busy with little Henry lately though, I feel so behind on the news of the battle. Please catch me up on where you are in the siege, what allies have come to your side, and how the men are doing. My lady in waiting, Clara, is sisters with Elizabeth Cornwall and she has heard from her that Elizabeth's husband will be joining your forces soon. I don't want to get your hopes up in case he decides not to join in the war efforts, but I know how greatly your men will be renewed if the great John Cornwall were to join you.

Write back as soon as possible, we miss you dearly.




One afternoon in February Catherine and Henry were sitting in the drawing-room posing for their portrait for an hour when Catherine finally asked the painter if they could be done for the day.

Catherine took her son and sat in front of the window overlooking the East Gardens, it had been especially overcast the past few weeks, and today was the first day the sun had been shining all day.

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