sorry. {J A N U S}

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TW: Suicide Attempt, People Screaming, Vulgar Language, Mention of Depression (not the side, the feeling), poly relationship, some really gay people, Mention of Cutting, Mention of Panic Attacks, Sympathetic! Deceit, Sympathetic! Remus. (TELL ME IF I MISSED ANY!)

AU: None

Ship: Receit (RemyxJanus) Analogical, PattonxEmilexRoman

Remus is Aro

It was like any day in the mindscape. Light sides were hanging out, Dark sides were in their rooms. Remus never minded the unspoken rule that dark sides didn't get to go out, seeing as he got to stay in there, eat deodorant, and be unholy all day. But Janus minded very much.

He was in love with a gray side. The gray sides were sides that were either both bad and good or were unofficial but important, like Emile. And Remy. Tall, gorgeous, strong Remy. He was helplessly in love with Remy. The coffee loving queen often visited Janus, but not often enough.

In this moment, he was longing to be cuddled. He wore his off-duty clothes, huddled up to an oversized black hoodie that belonged to his crush, trying to get the feeling of the side being near him.

Suddenly, he felt a tug, meaning he was being summoned. He quickly dropped the hoodie before he popped up in the commons.

"Hello Roman, Logan." He said to the two sides standing there. "What don't you want?" Roman appeared to be livid.

"You stupid snake! Thanks to you, Thomas lied in an interview and didn't get the job because of it! Are you TRYING to destroy his life?! You probably are, you're just a stupid dark side! You're useless in every way, nobody would ever like you! We'd be better off if you didn't exist, I prefer REMUS! You're the reason Virgil left you!" He was going to continue, but at that moment, the love of his life walked in. "Woah woah woah, girls. What are we yelling about?" Roman looked like he had a plan. "You know that job that you really wanted Thomas to get?"

Remy nodded. "What about it, babes?"  "Janice here made Thomas lie, and therefore, be didn't get the job." Janus sighed. "It's Janus.." He corrected Princey under his breath. "What?! Janus, babes, that job was so important! It could have landed Thomas other opportunities! Why did you do that?!" The starbucks drinking side yelled.

"Exactly!" Roman threw his hands up. Janus gasped audibly and flinched, confusing the other three people in the room. Logan had been standing there, nodding and agreeing with Roman and Remy. "Girl, why did you flinch at that? Are you okay?" Janus looked between them all, his eyes scared and teary, before running back to his room and locking the door.

Memories of the fight swirled in his head.

You're useless in every way!

I prefer REMUS!

You're just a stupid dark side!

We'd be better off if you didn't exist!

"You're right." He said to himself.

Remy's POV

After Janus ran off, I calmed down Roman and he apologized to me, meaning that he didn't mean what he said to my best friend. We laughed and talked for a while, before I decided that if anybody knew what I should do about my feelings for Janus, it would be Mr. Roman-ce himself.

"Ro, I gotta admit something. I think I'm in love with Jan." Roman smirked. "Ooooooo, Janus and Remy sitting in a tree! K I S S I-" "Shush! Someone might hear! I just wanted to know what I should do."

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