Nails {V I R G I L}

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TW: Crying, Panic Attack, SelfHarm (scratching), Poly Relationship, Gayness

AU: Human

Ship: Anxceitmus

Virgil sat on the counter, silent, as he watched his two boyfriends laughing, singing, and having fun together as they cooked in the kitchen. He had to admit, he felt lonely and left out. He walked out silently without alerting the two, and sat down on the couch.

As thoughts telling him that they didn't actually love him flooded his head, he started to sniffle. Janus and Remus hadn't noticed or heard because of the loud music that was playing. They don't care about you sounded the voices in his head. You're a nuisance. They hate you and wish you would leave them alone, look how happy they are without you. It didn't take long for the silent tears to turn into sobs. His boys still didn't hear him over the music.

The sobs got louder, no notice from Jan or Re. Virgil started crying full on, and rolled down his sleeve. He dug his nails into his wrist and started scratching. He felt the blood trickling down his arms as his sharp nails ripped the skin. Soon his vision became blurry and he wasn't aware of what he was doing. Eventually, he passed out from panic.

Remus and Janus were cooking dinner and singing, while Virgil sat on top of the counter eating goldfish, curled up in a ball. They had gotten so caught up in dancing and singing along to "Make A Man Out Of You," disney songs had been blasting throughout their house, that they didn't notice when their boyfriend left the room.

About an hour later when the food was almost ready, Remus turned to have Virgil taste it, only to see him gone. "Jan, did you see Virgil leave?"
He turned around to where his boyfriend had been sitting before. "No, where did he go?" They turned off the music and didn't hear anything, so they walked out into the living room

There was Virgil, tear tracks staining his face as he lied unconscious on the couch. His fingertips were bloody and his wrist was bleeding. He looked stressed and uncomfortable. Janus gasped at the sight, they hadn't even seen him leave or heard him cry. He was such a bad boyfriend.

Tears started spilling from his eyes as an also crying Remus picked Virgil up and walked upstairs to their room. He returned and carried Janus up there as well before going and putting dinner in the fridge. They would eat when Virge was awake. He returned upstairs where Janus held a now bandaged Virgil on his lap while they both slept. He smiled.

"I love you guys." He whispered after slipping behind Janus and cuddling them both.

Virgil woke up in bed, cuddled by both of his boyfriends. They were both stained with tear marks, just as he himself was. He had bandages on his wrist and was exhausted. He quietly slipped out of their arms, not wanting to be touched, and curled up on the small sofa in their room.

Soon enough, Janus woke up. He woke up Remus as well so that they could talk to Virgil.

"What happened when you left the kitchen?"

He stayed silent before answering
"I sat on the couch and I got really sad because neither of you even acknowledged that I left. And then thoughts of why you loved me or if you even did at all came to my head. I started crying but you didn't notice, and then I started panicking and crying louder but you still didn't notice. And I started scratching my wrist and it all went blurry until I passed out."

Janus was crying silent tears again. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm such a bad boyfriend. I should've seen you leave and went with you." Remus nodded. "I'm sorry too. I let my sunflower slip under my radar and he hurt himself."

Virgil smiled. "It's okay guys. I was just being overdramatic. I felt a bit left out, but it"s fine im overdramatizing it." Re shook his head. "No, you are an important part of this relationship. You aren't being overdramatic, and we're sorry. Are we allowed to touch you?"

He shook his head. "Not right now. I'm hungry, can we eat?" Janus nodded. "Yep, cmon baby."

They went and warmed up the food from a few hours earlier and ate. Eventually, Virgil let them cuddle him and they didn't let go of their sunflower.

Word Count: 754 including this

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