Out {R E M U S}

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TW: Panic Attack, Sexual Assault Mention, Kicking Someone Out For The Night Without Thinking, Alcohol, Unsympathetic? Virgil at first?

I feel like this is inspired but I don't recall anything like this so if you know comment?

They live in a little house at the edge of the city, no neighbors

AU: Human

Ship: Dukexiety

Third Person POV

Remus walked in the door at two in the morning, still slightly tipsy and his head foggy, trying to remember what had been going on when he sees Virgil, angrily sitting on the counter, staring at him.

He immediately knew what this was. "Baby, I'm so-" Virgil gave a death glare that cut him off, a glare that could only translate to danger, a cold stare meant for criminals. "No. Don't even. I texted you FORTY-EIGHT times! No response! Do you know how worried I was about you?!" Remus tried to speak as memories of that night started to come back, but Virgil used that same glare that seemed to stab into his eye, disappointment and anger radiated from the look that tore Remus' heart to shreds.

"Don't say a word. You do this all the time, and I'm done with it. I want you to go stay with someone else for tonight, I can't even look at you." He grabbed Remus' hand and pulled him out of the door, onto the porch before walking back inside and locking the door.

Remus stood outside, frozen as he begun to remember more clearly. There was this big crowd, and he didn't know anyone, but this one guy kept buying him drinks and touching him. He then noticed his jacket was gone, as was the black undershirt he had been wearing under the green slightly cropped shirt. He remembered the guy feeling him up, leading him somewhere away, and suddenly didn't want to be alone in case the guy came back.

His breathing started to quicken, and his knees gave out as he dropped to the ground onto them. Tears ran down his face, all he could think was that Virgil was gonna leave him, and the guy would come back and take him away. A faint door opening could be heard as someone ran towards him, and he felt a hand on his arm.

He thought it was the guy, so he flinched and started backing away. It was Virgil. "I'm sorry Virgil, I'm sorry, I- I'm-" his words choked in his throat, and he started to sob. "Hey, Remus, Hey, take a deep breath. It's fine, you're okay, I'm here." Remus listened to the sound of his lover's voice, slowly calming down until he blacked out.

Virgil gasped, but picked up the boy and carried him back into the house, wondering what had happened.

The next day, Remus woke up, and could remember everything. Virgil was in the kitchen, and even though he had been sweet last night when Remus was panicking, he sent him another glare when he noticed Remus was awake.

"Virgil." Remus said weakly.

"What do you want?" The angry tone sent a cool, uncomfortable shiver down Remus' spine, reminding him he had fucked up.

"You were right when you were worrying." Virgil turned around, an eyebrow raised though worry painted in his eyes like a picture. "There was this one guy, he kept on buying me drinks and touching me until he led me away, to the back of the building I think, and he uhm..I think I was assaulted." The other's eyes widened.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I put you out there alone and didn't even think about it and I didn't let you talk, that's why you had a panic attack on the front porch, you must have been scared out of your mind. I'm so sorry." Remus chuckled. "I care about that less than I care about the fact that I could lose you."

Virgil shook his head. "I may be a bit upset, but you could never lose me, okay?" Remus nodded as tears pricked his eyes, his entire body seemed weak as a wave of vulnerability hit him. Luckily, Virgil was there to catch him when he fell to the ground.

Word Count: 707 including this

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