Hunger Games Part 3 (Finale)

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TW: Major character deaths, gory descriptions, vulgar language, repetitive use of the word 'fuck'

AU: Hunger Games

Ship: None at the beginning, at the very very very end analogical

Genderbent Virgil/Violette
Genderbent Remus/Rema
Genderbent Janus/Janice
Mentioning Genderbent Roman/Romena
Character Thomas

Remy's POV

We made camp far off in the corner of the arena. We properly fixed up Vi's arm and made sure everyone was okay. By nightfall, the anthem started and we could see who died.

Peter Romance
Amelia Trustworthy

Man, eight deaths. That's really sad. "Dad." I hear. I turn to see Patton walking over to Violette, who is making grabby hands at him from the little pile of leaves we set up as a bed. Pat crawls in next to Vi. They must have hung out a lot before the games.

"Aww, does little Braine think he can outsmart us? Not this time.'" I turn and see someone standing over a kid holding a spear above him. Who is that kid? They said Briane...what was his name? Logan?

I point it out to Janice. It's either we go kill all of them, kill the threatening ones, or let them kill Logan and find us. I'll leave it up to her.

She goes over and pushes a few kids to the ground before grabbing their spear and stabbing them. I put my hands over Emile's eyes. Janice returns holding Logan. So my guess was right. He's passed out and bleeding from the head.

"Bet those bitches have a cannon ready." Says Rema. "Not today." We need to grow our group as big as possible for what we secretly have planned.

Janice lays Logan down and we use bandages from our packs to stop the bleeding from his head. He looks smart, pale, and skinny. Got it. He might be able to help us. Eventually, we fall asleep, taking turns watching. nothing happens overnight.

I wake up to the sound of footsteps slowly going away, and see Logan trying to back away. "Hey, queen. Don't go away, we won't hurt you. We saved you from those kids last night." He nods and sits where he is, probably still wary for his life. "I'm Remy, that's Rema, Emile, Janice, Patton, and Violette. You're Logan, correct?" He nods. "Salutations, Remy."

"So you are smart. Listen, kid. We've got a plan." I whisper it into his ear. He nods and actually looks content. I wake everyone up, introduce the Logan kid, and we eat some crackers from the backpacks before setting off on our way for water.

On our way there, we suddenly hear a scream from behind us. I whip around and there it is. I'm faced with Patton, who has an arrow through his heart. He falls into Violette's arms.

"H-Hey kiddo. Don't be s-sad... It'll be o-okay." He says. We all rush to his side and try to stop the bleeding, but we were too late. "Dad..? Dad..! Wake up, please! Please, you're okay! Dad! Patton..! Please, Patton. Wake up!" Violette starts to whisper yell as she cries. Patton cups her face with his hand as he closes his eyes and becomes unresponsive. A canon goes off.

"Patton..." Everyone whispers. Janice picks up V, who is kicking and crying while we walk off as the hovercraft goes to collect his body.

We get our water and go back to camp. When we pass where Patton was, there's a necklace looking thing on the ground. That must have been his thing from home! Violette picks it up and puts it on. Yeah. Violette needs to go home.

We eventually reach camp where Vi curls up into a little ball and she starts to do that shaky thing. Emile runs over and comforts her, as well as trying to keep her quiet in case someone is around.

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