The Split {R O M A N / R E M U S}

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TW: Slightly Unsympathetic! Logan/Patton, Descriptions of splitting a side, pain, sadness, my writing.

AU: None

Ship: None

Third Person

April 23rd, 1989

"Morality, what you are suggesting could be extremely harmful to both sides of Creativity. Emotionally as well as physically." Morality clicked his tongue and turned to face Logic. "I know, Logic, but it could be good for Thomas! If we split Creativity, the gray mind palace won't develop, and Thomas will have a better sense of right and wrong." Logic sighed. "And you know they will be brothers, right? They will have an already built emotional and physical bond, sides that are related have mental connections."

"What does that even mean?" Morality asked. "Once they are split, they will need about half a year to establish and build their trait, and they will feel any emotional pain the other twin experiences as physical pain. If we take the better side of Creativity to the light sides, and give the dark side to Deception and Anxiety, once they meet again the pain connection will not be understood by the two, that is if we also choose to destroy their memory of each other. Them meeting again will re-establish that knowledge, and all they will have of each other is memories from now. In other words, if the ever end up in the sight of each other, the only thing they will have is memories of ten-year-old versions of each other, causing immense confusion."

"So, basically, if we wipe their memory, and they see each other again one day, it'll come back anyway?" Morality questions, and Logic nods. "Okay, then just don't let them meet until they can handle it." He laughs. "Alright, fine. When this backfires against us all, I will not hesitate to throw the blame on you."

"Creativity!" The moral side calls out. Creativity appears. "Yes, Morality? Why are we on the border?" "Stand still." Morality slowly brings his hands up and draws them apart even slower. Creativity felt himself glitching, and as awful thoughts came to his head, the sound of singing blocked them away."

"M--ity, wh---I--he--e-l--el--p a--aa--ii-" He tried to communicate through the glitching, failing to be understood. Light blue smoke consumed Creativity until it turned green, and a small boy was thrown to the right out of it. It turned red, and there was another boy thrown to the left. The smoke disappeared.

"Oh my god, look Logic! I did it!" "Yes, Morality, you did. Let us leave them and go see if our host has entered the world, I am figuratively sick of being in the mind of a clump of cells." Morality laughed and followed Logic out of the border.

The red twin rubbed his head. "Who are you?!" He asked, spotting green. "I'm Creativity!" Said the green one. "But..I'm Creativity?" Red replied. "Then we are brothers! Remus." Remus said, walking over to red and putting out a hand. Red grabbed the hand, shook it, and got up. "Roman."

The two became close. Very close. Despite their obvious differences, there was nobody with a closer bond then them. Even if they weren't brothers, they still would have gotten along. Until it was all forgotten.

October 23rd, 1989

One day, a familiar boy in a blue shirt walked in with another, who was donning a black shirt with a blue tie. "Come ooooon, Logic! It's been exactly half a year, and I wanna meet my new son!" Logic shook his head. "You are not old enough to have children, our host is barely six months old, and you were formed but a year ago, and you have the mentality and physical appearance of an eleven year old." "Doesn't matter! I wanna meet him, you said they're old enough, so lets go get him!" The smart sounding one sighed. "Alright."

They made their way over to find two boys that looked similar, one a duke and one a prince.

"Princey? Who are those people?" The Duke asked. "I don't know, Re-Re." Answered the prince. "Hello! I'm Morality, and this is Logic. I really wish we could stay and chat, but we need one of you. We just don't know who is who yet." The twins were confused. "Logic, do the thingy." Said the one in a blue polo.

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