Consent {L O G A N}

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This is the updated version of the draft!! Thank you all for your suggestions on things I could phrase differently, etc! -Evan

TW: Lack of Consent For Touching (NOT SEXUAL!!!!) , Refusing to/Ignoring The Requests to Be Released From a Hug, Patton and Roman Accidentally Making Logan Uncomfy, Vulgar Language (Only in the first sentence), Stress, Panic Attack, Slightly Self-Depracating Thoughts

AU: None

Ship: Platonic Analogical

Logan's POV

Being logic is stressful as fuck. And, obviously, nobody but me understands that. Logic is just seen as the nerdy, annoying one who corrects grammar, but I'm so much more than just Logic, so much more than that.

Roman is relatable. He's dramatic, proud, loves theater, loves disney. He is fancy, and he's an idiot.

Patton is relatable. He is the father friend, he is adorable, loves cookies, and is overall too cute to be smart.

Virgil, well, he's as favored as to be expected. He's the anxious, angsty character. The one who went from bad guy to good guy. Everyone seems to relate to Virgil.

Me? I'm just logic. No dramatic backstory with the dark sides. No adorableness, and I despise theater. Not one that others would relate to.

And so, that leaves me to be the smart one. The cold one. With no feelings, no emotions. I'm just cold, freezing even. Like a robot, feelings aren't meant for me.

I'm supposed to give important information, but nobody listens to me. It's so stressful having to find different ways to get them to hear me, to listen to my ideas instead of ignoring me, like Logan's Lowdowns. It figuratively puts much more on my shoulders than I need.

Lots of times, I've worked myself so hard that I need to limit my interactions with others in order to calm myself. Being around the aloof morons all day, especially while in a heightened state of stress, only works towards stressing me more, so I isolate myself.

I'm in one of these times in which I do not particularly want to speak to the others, and especially not touch anybody, but I feel a tugging which is identified as someone summoning me. I find myself, as I sink up, in the commons  and am faced with the other three sides.

Everyone immediately senses my tense state, and Virgil shoots a look that seems to read as 'Are you okay?' Or, as they say, 'You good fam?' Roman and Patton, however, express their concern in a different way.

They both run to me and give me a hug, surrounding me in their discomforting embrace. "Are you okay, Logie?" Patton asks, almost unheard underneath Roman's "How are you, nerd?"

I try and get away from them, but they grip me tighter. "Get off." I say, my monotone voice wavering. "No, Logie, it's okay to need a hug sometimes." I believe they think I'm trying to keep a 'tough exterior'. I attempt once again to push off, but they tighten around me, and my breath hitches. "No, get off!" My voice cracks as my breathing quickens They don't. I look at Virgil with panic in my eyes, and he gets it.

"Patton, Roman, off of him." His voice is steady and strong, much unlike my shaky, scared one. and they quickly detach as I fall to my knees. Virgil kneels by my side, not touching me.

Virgil's POV

"Logan, we need to sink out. Can I touch your arm for a few seconds?" He nods, and I just put my hand on top of his, knowing he doesn't have the energy to sink himself out in this panicked state.

I look towards to others, who hold a confused expression. 'Consent' I mouth as I sink us out.

As soon as we arrive in Logan's room, I take my hand off of his. "Breathe, Lo. In and out, I know, I get this too, I just need you to breathe." He looks at me with a weak half smile, nodding and taking a shaky breath in, coughing half way before trying again.

"Do you want to listen to music?" He nods, and I grab his phone, opening it and his music app. I put on his playlist, knowing that the familiar lyrics and music would be better to be able to focus on then random music.

Eventually, with the sound of the music and my scarce quiet encouragement, he calms down. "Can I summon the others to apologize?" I ask him after a while. He nods, and I do so.

They pop into the room like they were expecting it, and Roman speaks first. "I apologize for not asking your consent and for ignoring your requests to be released." He speaks in his dramatic tone. "I'm sorry Logie! I shouldn't have done that." Logan shoots them a small smile, and they shoot one back before waving and sinking out.

Word Count: 818 including this

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