Prompts I thought of for no reason

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Pick any prompt you like, and I'll write it, just give me a ship if there is one, the character(s) it focuses on, a time line (ex. Right after accepting anxiety; right after creativity split; when virgil joined the light sides), and any extra info you want to put in, as well as whether or not I can tag you.

"I didn't think he would go that far!"

"You never mean it, do you?"

"Please, like any of that is true."

"Don't...don't leave me here."

"Hey, hey, hey! Breathe."

"You always do this! I'm sick of it!"

"You are SO good at making something out of nothing!"

"He ducked out. Because of you!"

"He's definitely not happy."

"I'm afraid of living!"

"You can't be right..I won't believe you!"


"No way in hell am I gonna sit here while he could be crashed somewhere miles from here!"

"Hey, don't touch that!"

"Didn't think you had the courage."

"You know what, (name)?! Fuck you!"

"I..I didn't mean to yell at him!"

"How long?"

"It wasn't me, it was (name)!"

"Oh, you know...memories."

"Nightmares again?"

"Put that down!"

"He's nonverbal, you fuckers!"

"He's blind, you fuckers!"

You can also give me songs that I could base a oneshot on, like Left Brain vs Right Brain, things like that.


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