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"Excuse me?"

Lisa stood dumbfounded as you walked towards your next class.

"Come on! I'm not going to be late today."

"Not until you tell me what you two were doing outside the other day."

"I told you already, Lisa! We just talked. That's all we did."

"I don't believe you."

"Okay. What do you want me to do with this information?"

"Tell me what you two actually did!"

"I just did. I literally just did. Can we go to class now?"

"Why are you so eager?"

"I'm not eager! I just don't want to be late."


"Lisa, come on!"

"Fine," she said, beginning to walk again. "Why do you not want to be late?"

"I just want to be early."

"Why though?"

"If you say why one more time, I will punch you in the face. Right here in the hallway."

"You would never."

"I most definitely would, Manoban."



"Good morning, Ms. Kim! How are you doing on this fine day?"

"I am doing well, Ms. Manoban. How are you two?"

"Just perfect," Lisa said, shooting you a side glance.

"Well, that's good."

"Are well still doing our essays today?"

"Actually, today I've decided to let you guys partner up to do a few grammar drills."

"Grammar drills?"

"Some people in the class seem to be struggling with some things. I want to make sure everyone is on the right track."

"Oh okay."

"Why don't you two go ahead and get settled and find your partners?"

"Will do," Lisa said, pulling you into the classroom.

"What are you doing?"

"Well, at the moment, I am about to sit in my seat. You should follow suit."

"You know what I mean."

"I'm not doing anything, y/n."

"You have that look in your eye."

"What look?"

"That look that you get whenever you have something planned."

"Why whatever do you mean?"

"Just tell me if I should mentally prepare before you do whatever you are planning to do."

"I'm not doing anything."


"Alright, guys! Let's get settled. I hope you guys have already chosen your partners. When you get the packet that Samuel is passing out, I want you to go sit by the person you want to work with and begin. You will have today's class to work on it. Anything you don't finish in class should be done before our next class meeting."

"I want to switch it up today, y/n."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to work with Jisoo."

"You're going to leave me? That's low."

"Come on. It's just for one class."

"Who am I going to work with then?"

"Looks like we have an odd number," Jennie said. "I guess I can work with you, Jisoo."

"No! I was just on my way over to Jisoo," Lisa said, springing from her seat. "Y/n doesn't seem to have a partner though."

"Y/n, it is then. Do you mind working with me, y/n?"

"Of course not, Ms. Kim."

'Death. Lisa Manoban will die today.'

"I'm not going to ruin your street credit am I," she laughed.

"My what?"

"Nothing," she said, with a wave of her hand.

You noticed the way she flinched and lightly gripped her wrist at the motion. Looking down, you decided not to comment on it.


"Don't forget that this packet is due next class meeting! Don't forget to finish it! I'll see you guys later."

Students pooled out of the classroom onto their next classes or their homes.

"Do you want to finish this last problem up really quickly before you go," she asked you.
"I think Lisa wants to get home early today."

"That's fine, y/n," Lisa said. "I'm going to catch up and talk to Jisoo for a minute. I'll be waiting outside," she called, leaving the classroom.

"Okay then," you said, turning back to your teacher.

"What problem do you see here?"

"Is it a comma splice?"

"I don't know, y/n. Is it a comma splice? You tell me."

"It is one."

"Now that you've identified the problem, tell me how you would fix it."

"I would either make two separate sentences or combine the subjects and put the predicates together with an article."

"Yes, you would! You did well on this."

"Thank you," you said, putting your things away.

"Are you still on for tomorrow's lesson?"

"I will be there. In the courtyard?"

"Yes! Y/n-"

"I'll see you tomorrow at 10, Ms. Kim."



A/n: You are always beautiful in my eyes.

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