I just need you

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Lily didn't mean to hear it.

She wasn't even supposed to be there.

She was supposed to be headed towards the library to study with Mary and Marlene but the second she'd heard James's raised voice from right around the corner, she'd stopped dead in her tracks.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!"

"Oh what, can't take a little competition?" Lily clenched her teeth at the second voice: Severus.

"Don't flatter yourself, Snivellus. I don't consider you competition"

"Well you should."

She heard James scoff - she could picture his face, him stepping forward and towering over Snape, " In what world?" It was silent for a moment before he spoke again, his voice dangerously low. "You lost all your chance the moment the word 'Mudblood' escaped your lips..... your nothing to her. Not anymore"
She heard one of them start to leave, their footsteps coming her way, when Severus yelled,

"You don't deserve her either, you know!"

She heard James's footsteps stop, just around the corner and she held her breath, trying not to make a sound. She listened as James let out a shaky breath - she could picture him running his hand through his hair.

He turned.

And her heart broke a little at the next words out of his mouth,

"You're right. I don't." His voice was soft.

And she wanted nothing more then to reveal herself, throw her arms around him and tell him - yell at him - that yes yes he did of course he did.

That if anything she doesn't deserve him.

"You're not good enough" Snape spit.

"Right again, snivels" But she didn't hear defeat in his voice - she heard pity. For Snape.

"But I want to be." James continued. "That's all I want. To make her happy and - and I will.... And that's more than you can say."

Lily smiled softly, leaning against the cold stone wall.

"I just want her happy." She could picture James shrug.

It was silent for a few minutes before she heard the farther footsteps retreating the way they had come. Snape was gone.

She didn't wait more then a heartbeat before she was rounding the corner and running right into James, throwing her arms around his neck and pressing him to the wall.

She kissed him.

She kissed him with everything she had until he got over his shock and kissed her back. When they pulled away she stood on her tiptoes as much as she could to press her forehead to his. "You do make me happy James. You - you - you do and - and you deserve the world" she whispered against his lips, her hands tangled in his hair. She felt him smile, one of his hands coming up to brush against her cheek. His voice was soft,

"I don't need the world, Evans. I just need you."

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