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"You LIKE HIM?!" Sirius Black shouted in the library, causing Madam Pince and Lily Evans to shoot equally frightening glares at him.

"Keep your voice down!" Lily hissed.

"But you LIKE him!" Sirius nearly shouted again. Lily hid her face in her hands.

"Black!" Madam Pince yelled. "Will you kindly shut up!"

With this, Lily promptly grabbed Sirius by the arm and shoved him out of the library.

"OW!" Black shouted again, clutching his upper arm. "God damnit Lily!"

"Can you please stop shouting, everyone was looking at us!" Lily practically begged.

Sirius shook his head as if trying to get what Lily told him to sink in.

"Bloody hell," He mumbled.

Lily blushed scarlet again and she brushed away a tear that rolled down her face. She couldn't ignore the butterflies she got in her stomach, or the flipping sensation whenever he touched her. She couldn't ignore the thoughts she had whenever he flashed a smile at her. Her friends had noticed too, she saw Marlene smirking at her when she blushed while the three of them were talking. Lily had finally given up the fight and admitted to herself that she was totally undeniably infatuated with James Potter.

Sirius took in her shaking figure and red, tearful face. In two long, quick strides he reached her and pulled her in for a hug. It was a simple gesture, but it held a lot of meaning. Lily nestled her head in his arm. Lily felt safe. It wasn't a romantic hug, but more of the brother - sister type.

"It's okay," Sirius whispered in Lily's ear. "It'll be okay,"

Lily pulled away. The second she did, Remus Lupin walked around the corner. He looked between Lily and Sirius and put the pieces together.

"Lily, are you okay?" He said slowly.

"yeah, yeah, I'm okay." She said confidently, wiping away a tear.

"I think it's best you tell him, Lil." Remus said.

"But he - he doesn't like me anymore!" Lily protested.

"Oh please!" Sirius said, rolling his eyes. "Every night, he's laying in bed, practically crying, saying 'Why doesn't she like me, Sirius? Does she hate me?', I swear Lily, if I hear him complain one more time I'm going to kill someone, preferably him!"

Lily looked at him skeptically and then glanced at Remus, who nodded, a glint in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll tell him." Lily said and walked away from the boys.

The walk to the head dormitory was only a short while, but to Lily it felt like an eternity. She thought of every possibly scenario that could happen after she told him, and she felt very well prepared. Before she knew it, she was standing in front of the door to the dorm that she shared with James. She shakily said the password and walked through the threshold.

James was sitting on the floor of the common room, biting his lip and ruffling his hand through his hair, and Lily couldn't help but smile. These habits she had hated when they were younger, she's come around to them now. James heard her enter the room and stood up. Lily noticed his messy black hair was even messier than usual, clearly from him running his hands through it all night.

"hey, lil." James said and walked over to her.

"Hey," Lily squeaked. James eyed her.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah." Lily said. "but I've got to tell you something."

James leaned against the wall. "go ahead,"

Lily took a deep breath. This was going to be interesting.

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