the girl and the fire

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Storms pov

I couldn't stop thinking about she was the girl I saved from the fire was it fate.. I was enjoying the date she talked about how she wanted too publish a book and how she always loved reading and her grandmother was the one who made her love reading.

I soon walked her home. "I love London in the night" she smiles "I prefer the night wouldn't you agree so peaceful" I smile at her "I agree 100%" she smiles. "this is me" she points too her little store. I frown.

Roses pov

It was a peaceful night my eyes were drawn too her icy eyes. She came closer "I would love too kiss you" she gently whispers into my ear. I kiss her but then I see something my parents in the fire and someone who looked like storm my father talks too her "save are daughter not us please" she grabs me and super speeds me away. my mind thinks of that but my lips were in passion with her.

she didn't let go all she cared about was kissing me. She pushes away. I was flustered "goodnight" she whispers "see you" I say leaving but all I could think about was that imagine. My mind also thought she wasn't 14 there she was the same as before but why was that I was overthinking it. I slept on it. I had a dream I was in the fire and Storm was there she came up too me and says " I'm sorry I don't think I can save your family" are area was speeding quick then I was outside and she disappears then a fire fighter came. I woke up my body trembling. I knew this was real and I needed too see her.

Then It structed me I had no why too I don't have her number she only came too the store. I slept on it then the next day I woke up bright and early I get ready I wear a red knitted jumper and black ripped jeans and boots I put on some make up then red lips. I walk down the shop and open up.

"how did your date go" lily smirks "It was amazing" my lips turn into a smile. "yayaya" she says exited. "ok come on lets work" I laugh. I waited all day all I wanted her too show I wanted too see her smile and listen too her voice but also find out the truth. I waited days she didn't show up my mind kept wondering I couldn't stop thinking of her. It was been a week and she finally comes in,

"Storm" I say "flame im sorry I never give you my number but I need too talk too you to night ill text you my house number here" she gives me her number and kisses my cheek and walks out making me led too think what she may say.

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