25. WHAT? *

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He looked around the room and when he saw me he smiled and winked at me.  I looked at Lee at the same time he looked at me we both lifted our eyebrows.  He started laughing "oh, this will be interesting."  I rolled my eyes at him and he smirked.  I just shook my head.  Yep, we had one of our private conversations and it went something like this:   Me: what is that all about?  Lee: "oh, this will be interesting.  Me: really that is all you have to say.  Lee: yep because when my bro finds out...  Luckily the bell rang and we all started heading out and as we walked by the teacher he smiled and winked again.  Once in the hall, Patrice started laughing "Lee is right this is going to be interesting."  Patrice wrapped her arm around Lee's waist as Carl pulled Brenda in close.  I felt as if someone was watching me and I looked over my shoulder to see Mr. Blaine watching me.  I shook my head and moved closer to Lee grabbing his arm and wrapping it around my shoulder as I snuggle into his side.  He just smiled "I got two of my best women by my side."  Brenda looks at him "how many women do you have?"  Lee smirks "four."  Patrice shakes her head as Brenda does a double-take "I smack his chest "Lee stop freaking out Brenda."  "Yeah, babe. Brenda the other two women in his life are his mom and Elle's mom."

As we all laugh and turn the corner I see Mr. Blaine still watching us.  Lee notices as well and shakes his head "if he keeps this up I am calling my bro."  "Lee you can't he will kill him."  "I know but that shit needs to stop.  Who the hell is he to smile and wink at you?"  The rest of the day moved rather quickly since the principal decided to introduce the football team and soccer team especially their captains and coaches.  I kept trying to talk Lee into sneaking off and just when I had him the head coach of my team Coach Lawson snuck up behind me "even think about skipping out of the assembly and you will be running extra laps for two months.  Not to mention I will have to find a new captain."  I glared at him "fine."  "Evans you deserve this plus you will get to meet my new assistant."  "Fine coach."

I walk to the auditorium with Lee, Patrice, Brenda, Carl, Lois, and Eddie.  As we entered the auditorium I was told to head to the front with my team.  As I sat with my team I looked around and we all started joking around wondering who the new assistant coach was.  It didn't take long before the principal walked onto the stage.  "Hello, Buckner Hall."  We all yelled hello back.  "We are meeting today because I want to congratulate the football team on their wins this past season.  Even though we didn't make it to the state championship like we did last year."  At this point, everyone started chanting "Flynn, Flynn, Flynn."  I started laughing and shaking my head "please he is not even here.  Plus he doesn't need a bigger head."  I didn't realize the principal could hear me and she chuckled shaking her head "Ok, yeah our quarterback from last year graduated and is on to bigger and better things.  It is my understanding from his fiancee that he is doing great and has lead his new team to victory.  All this proves is that he was taught well here at Buckner."  

She paused and smiled really big "will the football team please come on stage."  As all the guys ran up on stage I watched the guys all high fiving and chest-bumping pumping up the crowd.  Eddie grabbed the mic since he was the team captain "I would like to thank all of you for the support you have shown our team this year.  We all knew since half the team left us last year to go on to bigger and better things it was going to be tough.  Even though we didn't make it to state we came pretty damn close.  I hope next year the new team will succeed where we didn't."  He handed over the mic and the principal let the football team enjoy a few minutes of praise before she had them all sit down.  "Now, on to the new sport that is front and center soccer.  I would like to call the men's soccer team to please come on to the stage as I call your name."  Of course several of the football team made their way to the stage including Eddie and Carl.  As each player was introduced they all jumped up and down then ran on to stage with their hands up in the air in the victory sign.  Once the last player was called we learned that Carl was the team captain and he stepped forward grabbing the mic "I know I am new here but I plan on taking this team to state.  I can't let the girl's soccer team put us to shame."  

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