59. DAY ONE? PART 2 *

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The judge looked over the paperwork and dismissed the pregnancy test Mr. Blaine's lawyer presented stating there was proof it was falsified. The lawyer looked at Mr. Blaine and leaned in whispering and shook his head "no further questions." Noah stepped down and winked at me as he walked by causing me to grin. I was soon called up and I was sworn in and it didn't take long before Mr. Blaine winked at me I shook my head and looked at June. Yet before she could start the judge cleared her throat "before you begin questioning her I want to do something a little unorthodox here." June nodded "what is that your honor?" "Just let her tell her side of the story." "I don't see the harm in that." Mr. Blaine's lawyer stood up "what if I have questions?" "You may ask them but if Miss Evans gets upset I will stop you. She already had one panic attack today she doesn't need another one." "I don't like this." "Well unfortunately this is the way it is going to be. June looked at me "OK miss Evans please state your full name, age, occupation, and where you currently reside then proceed to tell your story."

I took a deep breath "Rochelle Elizabeth Evans, seventeen, Student at Buckner High School, Los Angeles California." I looked around "do I have to start as far back as Mr. Flynn?" The judge spoke up "not unless there are any questions. How about you start from the first day of school this year." I nodded "OK your honor." "The first day of school was unusual for me since I was at the Flynn's house because I was being stalked." "Wait please explain." I nodded "during the summer at the arcade on the boardwalk Lee Flynn and I noticed we were being watched." "Who is Lee Flynn?" "My best friend. Lee and I do everything together." I smiled "well almost everything together." The judge nodded "well Lee noticed that when I went to the lady's room the person was watching me and kept staring at the lady's room door. When I returned Lee said we should go since the person was creeping us out. When I got home my younger brother Bradley Thaddeus Evans told me that he was being watched as well. Even though Lee and I thought we should wait to tell his parents and my dad about us being watched this changed things for me."

I shifted "I called Lee and told him we need to tell all the adults in our life and Noah. I went and spoke to my dad since I had sent Bradley to bed before I called Lee. After telling him we needed to meet with the Flynn's Mathew Xanthos Flynn called my dad and they made arrangements for us to head over right away. Once there we told everyone what had happened that day and what Bradley had confided in me. Of course, Noah wanted to hop on the first plane home but we were able to get him to stay behind. My dad made arrangements for my brother and me to stay with the Flynn's until he could get a security system installed or we found out who our stalker was. He also had his brother come in since he works from home to help him keep an eye on us kids with his stepson Tom. Now that was another whole mess of problems in itself." "What do you mean?" "Tom convinced himself that my uncle had intended to have me betrothed to him since we were not blood-related. He was the son of my Uncle's second wife and he decided to continue to take care of him after she passed away."

The judge nodded "ok go on." "Well, once that was ironed out I was told that since Noah was away at school and Mathew's nephew Carl was coming to stay with them for the school year I would use Noah's room because one guest room would be Carl's and the other one Bradley's. We met up for dinner about two days before the start of school so we could all meet each other..." I told him all about how we figured out who our stalker was and how we were stunned that my mom was still alive. I even went into detail on how Noah came running home to be by my side to help me understand why my mom was suddenly alive. Mr. Blaine kept glaring at me every time I brought up Noah. I had just made it to when Noah asked me to marry him and that we celebrated by being with each other when Mr. Blaine jumped out of his chair. "YOU SEE SHE IS A FUCKING WHORE. I KNEW SHE WASN'T A VIRGIN THAT IS WHY I WANTED TO FUCK HER. PLUS I KNEW HER AUNT'S HUSBAND. I USED TO WATCH HIM BEAT HER. HELL, I WATCHED HIM BEAT THAT SLUT BACK THERE. I WAS NOT HAPPY HE WOULDN'T LET ME HAVE A GO AT HER LIKE HE DID THE SISTER. THAT IS WHY I WANTED THAT LITTLE SHIT. I WANTED HER PREGNANT SO I COULD INHERIT THE ESTATE THAT HER MOTHER GOT." He was soon wrestled to the ground and cuffed.

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