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I was clinging to Noah for dear life I was not sure what everyone was going to do until I heard Dixon and Eddie yell "with Flynn."  Dixon walks up "you need to stop.  Didn't you learn when your brother was arrested that the only guy she wants is Flynn?"  "Why do you all believe them and not me?"  Eddie glared at him "easy we all know Elle and we know that she would never just have sex with someone.  The person she would give herself to would have to be someone she loves with all her heart and that has proven to her he loves her with all his heart.  Not to mention she would never cheat.  Her conscience would not allow her to betray anyone in that manner."  "Hell, she felt guilty last year when she and Flynn hid their relationship from Lee."  "See she cheated on Lee."  Someone snorted and it was Sean "no she didn't you imbecile.  She felt guilty because she was lying to her best friend.  If she felt bad for lying to her best friend how in the world could she even possibly cheat on anyone."

He glared at me "How is it you can do no wrong?  First, my cousin is humiliated at Harvard and now my brother is in jail.  Yet, you come out smelling like roses and still get the guy."  Shaking my head I look at him "because I don't use people.  Your cousin went out of her way to hurt me just because Noah wanted a long-distance relationship."  "All he had to do was date her and not tell you."  Noah pulls me against him "I would never cheat on Elle.  She is my world.  I kept my distance from her because I thought my little brother had a crush on her.  When I found out that he didn't I made my move.  There is no way I will lose her by being a jerk."  

"Ok, but she destroyed my brother's life."  "If he had left me alone he would not be in jail."  He smirked at me and hauled off slapping me across the face.  Before Noah or I could say anything Dixon grabbed him and threw him across the room.  "If you ever touch Elle again or better yet talk to her you will regret ever hearing her name."  It wasn't long before the cops arrived.  Turned out Mathew had a bad feeling and checked the video surveillance and when he saw what was going on he called the police and had them go to the house.  Of course, he was arrested and I was eventually blamed by both his sister and cousin on social media but when one of Noah's friends let them know what happened to Rachel and her family they backed off.  Since their brother was fired and arrested they lost the discount to attend Buckner and had to transfer to another school thus leaving me and the gang free to enjoy our Senior year.

When we walked into our history class Mr. Lacewell looked at me "you ok Elle?"  "Yes, sir I take it you saw the video."  "Yep, my wife saw it and was upset about how you were hit but glad there was someone there to defend you.  I am just curious why didn't your fiancee do anything."  I chuckled "he was worried he would put him in the hospital.  I made him promise me to think before he acts because our future depends on him staying out of trouble."  "Ah, he has a bit of a temper."  I hear a snort and turn and see Dixon standing there with Lee and they both are chuckling.  Lee smiles "my big bro is very protective of Shells sir.  He always has been since we were little.  He tends to punch first and ask questions later.  The fact my Twin here was able to get him to be calm instead of going all smackdown on him was an improvement."  "Well, that is good to know."  He let us take our seats but I knew the conversation was not over.  Sure enough, at practice, he pulled me aside with coach Lawson and asked me about whether or not Noah had ever hit me.  

Coach Lawson almost started laughing his butt off "Jason calm down.  Flynn would never hit Evans.  He would sooner cut up his leather jacket before he ever hit her."  "Sir I have to know."  I look at him and smile "Coach Lacewell well...when we were little and we used to play fight.  Yes, he would hit me but it was play fighting.  We also used to hit each other when we were annoyed."  "What do you mean Evans?"  I giggle "he would call me little pipsqueak and I would get mad and smack his arm.  He would then smack my arm back and..."  He chuckles "I get it I have a sister.  So, it was mainly sibling play fighting."  "Yep, until he became a teenager and was too grown up to hang with Lee and me.  He would watch Lee and me from afar to make sure we were safe."  "So, he has never hit you out of anger?"  "Nope as a matter of fact I am the only one that can calm him down when he gets mad."

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