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It was Mike Wheeler's junior year in Hawkins. School started a week ago and the only thing making it good was his friends. There was Dustin, curly haired, loud but sweet. Lucas, dark skinned, skeptic but loyal. Max, redhead, aggressive but trustworthy. And, of course El. Mike's girlfriend, short haired brunette, innocent but strong.

Their group was a delicate balance of structure and disorder. Mike had no idea that their balance was going to be lost, pretty soon.


It was first period, History, and Mike and his friends took their seats in the back as usual. Lucas and Dustin had been arguing about who was actually better at Dragon's lair. Max was currently trying to get them both to shut up by reminding them she had the actual high score.

Mr. Davis entered the classroom closing the door behind him. "Morning troublemakers, today we're gonna continue learning about the-"

The wooden door squeaked open and in walked a boy Mike had never seen before. He had short brown hair that was a bit messy but cut just above the eyebrows. He was in a oversized ice white sweater, light blue cuffed denim jeans and checkerboard vans.

It was... hot, Mike thought. Well hot for the weather outside that is. It was still basically summer and most kids were just in t-shirts.

"Oh yes of course, I forgot." Mr. Davis says interrupting Mike's thoughts. "Class we have a new student. Why don't you come over here and introduce yourself to everyone."

The boy hesitantly stepped up to the front of the class. His head never looked up from the floor to see all the eyes staring at him. He cleared his throat and quietly said. "Hi, I'm Will. Will Byers. I just moved here from Canada."

Oh, so that's why Mike had never seen him before. There's no way he could of forgotten seeing someone so...

"Well, Will you're a little late to the history express, choo choo" Mike rolled his eyes "so, I hope you don't mind taking the only open seat left" Mr. Davis said.
Will shuffled through the seats, still only looking at the floor, and sat in the open seat in the back. Right next to Mike. Well, on Mike's left. And the whole time, Mike just couldn't take his eyes off the boy.

Mr. Davis got right back into his lesson but Mike couldn't pay attention. He was watching an anxious Will take his books out of his bag. He saw a strange looking, brown book in the bottom of Will's bag. And while wondering what it was, a pencil fell from Will and rolled over by Mike's feet.

Mike's body moved before he could even think as he bent over and picked it up. He extended his hand out to Will. Will finally looked up at him and... His eyes, they were hazel, and so pretty. Mike felt like he could melt any moment.

Mike's cheeks flushed pink from the eye contact. "Uh I'm m-Michael. no Mike. Mike Wheeler."

Will's face relaxed as he took the pencil, "oh hi Michael, thanks". Will tilted his head a bit, gave a soft smile and then looked away from the dark curly haired boy. "I like your shirt."

"My shirt?" Mike looked down and remembered what he was wearing. It was a star wars shirt with Yoda eating a slice of pizza.

Mike let out an awkward chuckle and went silent with embarassment. He hadn't meant to wear something so childish... he was just in a rush this morning. Normally Mike wouldn't even care about what he was wearing anyways, but something was different. He really cared what Will thought for some reason.


This is my first time writing a fan fic, so spare me. It gets really interesting soon, I promise.

sorry for the corny jokes

630 words. : )

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