¹⁰ violet ¹⁰

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It's something that I wouldn't say out loud
If touch could make them hear, then touch me now


Mike's Pov

Mike groaned at the loud sound blaring out of the speakers of his alarm clock. Without moving the rest of his body, he flopped his arm around off the side of his bed until he got the noise to stop.
The sun wasn't even up yet, so a confused Mike rolled over to read the time on the clock. 5:30 am.

Mike shot up out of bed when he remembered why he had set the alarm in the first place. A large grin grew onto his face and he could feel the butterflies rising in his stomach. He was going to meet Will this morning in the park, and he was gonna get to be honest to him. Maybe they'd even hold hands or share another kiss, he hoped.

Normally, Mike was the type to be out of the house in under 15 minutes, not taking much care for the overall details of his appearance. But this was not a normal morning.
He took his time in the shower, washing and conditioning his hair, making sure everything smelled good. He stood in front of the bathroom mirror, taking time to shave the facial hair that had now started to grow on his semi-adult face. He then proceeded to spend the next 20 minutes trying to tame the long curly beast that was his hair.

After failing to get anywhere, he groaned. "Ah, fuck it," hoping Will would like it the way it was already. He returned to his room, trying to think of what to wear.
He tossed on a star wars t-shirt, strong start. A violet sweater over that and a black jean jacket over that. Coupled with some dark jeans and white adidas, Mike felt as ready as he could be to confess everything to Will.

He made sure to bring the bag he prepared last night. It was nothing much, just some light gifts including Reese's Pieces cause he knew they were Will's favorite candy and a very long note describing his intricate feelings for Will incase he got too shy to say them out loud.

With that, Mike got on his bike and set off while it was still a little dark, hoping to see Will at sunrise. He settled in the park, deciding to ride the swings as he waited. Trying desperately to calm his anxious thoughts and hold his excitement to see Will.


To see Will? Sunrise had come already and he still wasn't there. It felt like it had been over an hour atleast. Mike waited as long as he could but now something didn't feel right. Will was never the type to be late.

There was a chance he never saw the note, but Will always noticed the little details. Surely he would've noticed this too.
Maybe he was just tired and couldn't be bothered.
Or maybe, he just didn't want to see Mike.

Maybe that note weirded him out and now he wanted nothing to do with the taller boy anymore. Mike almost let his brain convince him this was the real reason for Will's absence, but then he thought back to their conversation at the quarry. How happy and honest they were together. There was no way Will didn't feel the same way he did.

He dragged his now sore butt over to his bike and got on, riding over to the Byers' residence. From the outside everything looked pretty normal, if not a little quiet. So Mike decided he'd just knock on the door.
As he knocked, he felt the door bounce back against his knuckles. Realizing the door had been left open, Mike slowly let himself in.

It took him a minute wrap his mind around the scene infront of him. The usually spotless Byers' living room was a mess. It looked like someone had let a bull run through the room. And as his heart rate increased, Mike had only one question racing in his mind.

"Will? Where are you?!"

Luckily, he was answered by a small sound coming from the corner of the room. It was faint and weak but he managed to notice it.
Mike looks over to his right to find Will, still in his clothes from yesterday, sitting with his knees up to his chest in the corner. Mike felt his heart drop when he made eye contact with the sad hazel eyes looking back at him.
Unfortunately he wouldn't get a good look, as Will immediately put his head back down into his lap. Almost as if he was ashamed to be seen this way.

Mike gently made his way over to the smaller teen, dropping his bag at the door. He got as close as he could, crouching down to be on Will's level. Unsure of what exactly to say, he went to tap Will on the head but Will flinched.

"Sorry... " He said, a frown finding it's way to his face, "Will? It's me. Michael." He was met with no response, so he went to touch Will's head again. This time Will leaned into the touch.
"Mikey... I was so scared, " he mumbled turning his head to look up at Mike.

Mike took this moment to take in the other boy's appearance. His red eyes more puffy than usual. His normally well kept hair, a complete mess. His flushed cheeks.
Mike took a moment to gather his thoughts and feelings. The anger rising inside him wondering who would do this to Will. The guilt of not being there.

Yet none of that truly mattered. The only thing Mike wanted to take away the pain his crush was feeling.

Now, holding Will's face with both of hands, he used his thumbs to wipe the tears from under the younger one's eyes. Then pushing Will's messy hair out of his eyes so he could see them clearly.
"It's okay. You're safe now. I promise you'll be safe now."


"Can you tell me what happened?"


Hopefully things get easier for them from here on. (I say that like I literally didn't write this lmao)
There's only 3 more chapters.

remember to drink water! or not, I can't make you.

~1012 words

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