³ red ³

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white shirt now red,
my bloody nose

warnings- homophobia + violence

Will's Pov

Will couldn't help but feel special. This kid he had only just met was treating him like he actually mattered. But Will knew better than that. He didn't matter. He was stupid, and worthless. Michael was just being nice.

Mike took Will home and they smiled to each other and said bye. Will entered his house feeling a little better than he normally would. No one else was home but that was to be expected.

Will showered, did some home work and went to bed. He didn't even have dinner but that was alright with him.

He fell asleep more peaceful than he has in a really long time.


Will arrived at school first period right before class was starting. Joyce rushed him out the house this morning since he was too anxious to leave early. But now that he was here, he was happy. Happy to see Michael. Even if they weren't really friends.

Mike called Will over to where he was, with his friends. Will was hesitant, but decided to man up. Now wasn't the time to be a fairy. He took a deep breath and walked over.

"Ah, Will" Mike smiled at him. "These are my friends." Will was scared but took in all the smile faces looking at him.
"There's Dustin, Lucas, Max and El."

"You're clothes are so cute" the redhaired girl fired at Will. Will tried to suppress a smile, "t-thanks Max."
Will spent rest of the period getting to know and talking with Mike's friends. Him and Max got along the best, but he was struggling connecting with El. She was quiet and seemed a bit standoff-ish. Maybe she was just shy like him.

When class was ending, Will made a discovery. Michael and El. T-they just kissed. of course, you're so stupid, almost falling for a straight guy again.

Will felt his anxiety rushing his body. He had to get out. Now. The bell rang and Will made his way out the room as fast as possible. He thinks he heard Mike calling for him but now wasn't the time.

He made it to his next class and took his seat, trying to calm down, when he heard a voice behind him. "Hey, sorry for teasing you yesterday."

"Oh." It was the random boy who started making jokes yesterday. The reason he was scared to go to lunch and be all alone.

"My name's Troy."

"Okay I'm Will, maybe we can have a better start today," Will answered.
"Yea, I'd hate to make someone so cute feel bad about themself."

Cute? There's no way someone could find me cute.
"S-sorry, what?" Will questioned the messy haired boy.
"I said what I said Byers," giving will a big smile. Will felt his cheeks flush red.

Class went along and though him and Troy didn't talk much, it was nice for Will. Troy asked Will to have lunch with him and made him promise he would. He thought about joining Mike, but maybe being with this other boy would be better.

At lunch, Will was walking over to Troy's table when Mike ran up to him. "Uh hey Will, I really hope you aren't gonna sit with Troy."
"He's bad news! You should stay away from him," Mike said seriously. "Just come sit with me and my friends."

Mike grabbed Will by his covered wrists and started pulling him. It hurt a bit but the contact made Will's cheeks turn crimson. That's when he remembered why he wasn't with Mike.

"No Michael." Will stopped in his place. "What?" Mike turned around and asked. "Just go be with El. You wouldn't want to be my friend anyway."

And with that Will left and sat at Troy's table. Leaving Mike Wheeler shocked in the middle of the cafeteria. Trying to figure out what he had done wrong.


Troy's friends were a bit... crude. If he was honest he really didn't feel comfortable. Mike's friends were way better but it was too late now. All his thoughts were a mess, but just then Troy slid a note over to him. It read:

ᴹᵉᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᵗʰʳᵒᵒᵐ, ᵃᶠᵗᵉʳ ˡᵃˢᵗ ᵖᵉʳⁱᵒᵈ, ᶠᵒʳ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶠᵘⁿ ˣᵒˣᵒ

Will felt another blush coming. He looked up at Troy with questioning eyes and Troy just winked at him. He nodded at Troy's request and that was that.

Last period finally ended and Will couldn't lie to himself. He was very excited. Sure, Troy was no Michael Wheeler. He didn't have Michael's wild dark curly hair, his strong jaw and cheekbones, his pink lips-. But for  Will the fact that there may be someone out there who knew his secret, someone who accepted him, that was enough.

Will walked into the bathroom and was met with that friendly voice. "Byers! You came." "Yeah I'm here." Will said shyly. "Get over here." Will slowly stepped up to the boy, his legs shakey. "You're so pretty Byers. I think, I like you."

"O-oh really?" Will asked. "Let me show you" Troy said walking up to Will. He reached up and touched Will's cheek. Will swallowed. It was tense. They were just staring into each other eyes. Troy was so close, their noses almost touched. "Close your eyes baby." Baby? But Will did as he was told. Then it happened.

a loud thud echoed off the bathroom walls

A fist came flying at Will's face sending him collapsing to the floor.

Troy let out a sick laugh. He was amused with himself. "w-why?" will mumbled. "WHY!?" He picked Will up and slapped him. Making Will let out a loud scream. "Because you're a dirty little fag."

It all made sense to Will. He was played this whole time. No matter what country he moved to, the awful truth about him would come back. This was all his fault, he understood that much.

"What is going on in here- Oh my god, Will!" Will turned to look at the door. It was Mike, Lucas and Dustin. They didn't look happy.

"Will what happened?" Mike asked observing the dark red blood that was staining Will's clothes. Troy then let out another laugh. "Oh look the boyfriend is here."
"Of course it was you, it's his second day here what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"Listen, little queers get what's coming to them. Don't blame the mailman." Troy said arrogantly.

"Oh shut up, you don't even know him!" Mike yelled.
"Oh really? I must be crazy. I'm pretty sure he was about to kiss me but whatever." Troy said walking out the room, pushing past an angry Mike and Lucas. Dustin was already on the floor trying to help Will.

Lucas joined him and they got Will to his feet holding him up. Mike turned to Will putting his hand on his cheek rubbing the bruises starting to form. Will turned his head away in shame, he just wanted to disappear.

After some silence, Mike asked the question he'd been holding in. "Is what he said true Will?"

And that was it. All that will could take. Everything around him turned dark. He passed out in Dustin's and Lucas's arms.



Oh that was intense. I hope you don't hate me too much, I hate seeing Will in pain too. :(
This chapter was originally more graphic but I toned it back. Let me know if it was still way too hard to read. :' .

655 + 535~ words

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