18- New Powers

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A/N- I'm using Shawn Mendes for Ethan if you didn't already know

Ethan gaped at his sister in shock. "What did you just say?"

Clary nodded and smiled, confirming. "We can get Mom back. Finally"

Ethan dragged Izzy with him and hugged Clary once again, his eyes glistening with relieved tears.

Jace walked through the door with Clary's sketchbook, and saw the amorous hug. He smiled and walked over to join them.

"I want in on this"

He wrapped his arms around the three of them, as they giggled into the hug. Jace was the first to talk after they broke apart.

"I'm guessing you heard the news, yeah?"

Ethan nodded. "So how do we get it?"

Jace looked at Clary. "Well, your sister here has a special skill, one that us Shadowhunters have never seen before. We want to see if you can do it too"

Ethan glanced at Jace warily "Okay...?"

Jace handed Ethan the sketchbook and opened it to a page with a drawing of a cup with a rune next to it. 

"So Clary drew this rune and...what?"

Clary turned to her brother. "It's hard to explain, so I'll just show you"

She got out a stele (Hodge had given each of them one the other day) and traced the rune on the page. She passed her hand over the drawing, before reaching into the page and taking out a solid cup.  Ethan yelled and stumbled back in shock, whilst Izzy gasped and held a hand over her mouth.

"Wow..." Ethan exclaimed.

Jace turned to him. "First question: Look at the rune. Do you recognise it?"

Ethan regarded it for a moment, and then realised that he had seen this collection of swirling lines before somewhere.

"Is it not in the Gray Book?" Ethan asked, "I took a look at it before. Maybe that's where I recognise it from"

Izzy shook her head. "Whilst we may not have seen al of the runes in there, we have been told about all possible runes. That is not one of them"

Clary cut in next. "Ethan, why don't you try with the stele Hodge gave you the other day?"

Ethan took the stele out of his pocket as Alec walked through the door.

"What's going on in here?" he asked, looking at Ethan

Ethan purposely looked everywhere apart from at him. "We are trying to see if we can get the cup. Clary thinks she knows where it is"

Ethan walked over to the book, after Clary put the cup back into the page. He traced the rune with his stele the way that Jace and Clary had shown him to, and he passed his hand over the page. But nothing happened.

At first.

As Ethan sighed, defeated, his hand passed through the page and Ethan yelled in alarm as he felt his arm get sucked into the page. He soon felt something solid and grabbed hold of it, desperately trying to pull it out. When he managed it, and when he had gotten over his initial shock, he held the cup up triumphantly.

"Yes!" Ethan cheered, with Izzy, Jace and Clary applauding him. 

Alec just narrowed his eyes at them all. "We need to tell the Clave"

He started to leave but Ethan yelled "Alec can you just stop being an arse for one minute and do something to help me?"

Alec froze, and turned around to meet his glare. 

"I don't know what happened between you and me," Ethan said, anger radiating off him, "but I need to find my mom. What would you do if your mom went missing, and might have been dead, hmm? Would you 'tell the Clave' and hope for the best?"

Alec looked shocked for a moment, then muttered. "You're right. Let's go find your mom" 


Ethan turned to Clary when they were at Dot's apartment, next to theirs. 

"Are you going to be okay doing this?" Ethan asked, "I mean, we've not seen Dot in weeks. Plus, you weren't exactly her favourite"

Clary nudged her brother. "Oi. She didn't hate me that much. And anyway, Simon is the one giving us a lift back. I should be asking if you're okay"

Ethan groaned. "Thanks for reminding me Clary"

Simon pulled up a moment later, and seemed to be avoiding Ethan's gaze on purpose.

"Hey guys. I'll be here when you're done"

"Okay, thanks. Simon, can I talk to you?" Ethan asked, warily.

Simon shook his head. "Not yet, Ethan. Give me a bit longer"

Ethan hung his head, mumbled a short 'okay' and wandered over to where Izzy, Alec and Jace were standing. As he approached, they all smiled at him. But Ethan only smiled back at Izzy and Jace, which hurt Alec.

"Congrats, man," Jace said, tapping on the back, "heard you are getting this bad-ass as your parabatai"

Ethan grinned. "Yeah, I couldn't be luckier"

Izzy smiled and held a hand to her chest playfully. "Aww you can be so sweet. But seriously, I'm the lucky one. I couldn't let this guy go"

Ethan's grin widened. "It's lucky I'm gonna stick around isn't it?"

Clary came up behind him, and he shifted his grin to her. 

"Ready, sis?"

"Always, bro"

Ethan nodded. "Let's do this"

Addicted to you- Alec LightwoodOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora