Chapter 33

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3rd person pov.

sakura was going around the dance practice rooms, trying to find her new song

while she was trying to find her new team, she heard a song play, and for some reason she thought that it was her new team

so she knocked on the door

"eh?" sakura said "chaeyeon? why are you here?"

chaeyeon was alone in the practice room

sakura knew that chaeyeon was in 'I Am' team, but today was her first time seeing her after she came back from japan

"chaeyeon! who got kicked out from your team?" sakura asked in japanese

"ahh, f-from the 'I Am' t-team?" chaeyeon stuttered [j]

"yes," sakura replied [j] "i also got kicked out, but i don't mind because i actually didn't want to stay"

chaeyeon was still practicing her dance, and vocals

"eh?" sakura asked confused and puzzled [j] "but that song isn't I Am? it sounds more like 1000%?"

sakura was super confused, she had a feeling that chaeyeon could've been kicked out from her team, but to sakura, it didn't make any sense

chaeyeon was probably one of the most talented trainees, it wouldn't be right to kick her out

"yes," chaeyeon replied "this song is 1000%"

sakura gasped in her mind, shocked, but instead of staying shocked, she hugged her friend who looked like she was on the verge of crying

"chaeyeon-ah," sakura started (japanese) "i know you're probably upset that you got kicked out, but i want you to think of this as an opportunity to show your new self, and the only reason as to why they probably kicked you out was because they are jealous.

they are jealous because of how talented you are, it makes no sense to kick you out, you are super talented."

sakura said in hopes to cheer her best friend up

sakura felt droplets fall on her shirt

chaeyeon smiles sadly

"i really felt like I Am suited me" chaeyeon said, teary

"chaeyeon, i actually think that 1000% suits you better," sakura replied [j] "besides you can pull off so many concepts, so you'll still be the best in which ever team no matter what!"

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