Chapter 36

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sakura and chaeyeon are speaking in JAPANESE

3rd person pov.

it was after the rehearsal, and chaeyeon was in her dorm alone thinking about the rehearsal she had just done

the mentors had allowed her to go back to her dorms to take a rest and get her mind off things

"chaeyeon?" a voice called out

"yes?" chaeyeon said out loud, turning around to see who it was

"how are you feeling?" sakura asked

"i'm just getting my thoughts together," chaeyeon replied, speaking lowly

"chaeyeon-ah," sakura started "can you tell me how you feel?"

"it's just,"chaeyeon continued "i got kicked out from my group and i was so sure i'd do so well, and then here i am now in s completely offering concept

i don't think i'm gonna be able to pull it off"

"chaeyeon-ah," sakura moved to sit next to chaeyeon on the bed "i don't understand why you aren't confident"

"it's just that i didn't really have time to think these past few days because of how hard our group is working," chaeyeon said "i'm sure you know that you want to show your own group what you're capable of"

"of course, that's why you have to stay confident, chaeyeon, you can't beat someone if you aren't confident, be yourself, you know that everyone is unique in their own way, and you aren't any different,"

"yes but i even stole the main vocal from miho, i knew she wanted to be one main vocal, but then i stole it"

"that was because the producers thought it was best, miho still has high notes, and even though you stole it from her, she's still learning chaeyeon, she's learning how to become a better person of herself, someone can't just get that spot because they want it,"

"but, the concept of the song is innocence, sakura, innocence!" chaeyeon yelled "how am i able to pull it off?"

"chaeyeon, just tell me your thoughts" sakura said as she slowly started to pet chaeyeon's hair

"it's just, everyone else in the group is so pretty, i think i'd be better if i wasn't in the group, i'd ruin the concept" chaeyeon replied

"why would you ruin the concept? you can fit any concept you want if you try hard enough"

"sakura! everyone just cares about beauty! beauty beauty beauty! can't you see! the people who are highly voted has both talent and beauty and i'm dropping, because i'm not pretty" chaeyeon's voice began to lower down

"chaeyeon, you can't focus on the people that don't like you," sakura said "focus on the people that are your fans, the only thing reason why people are saying that is because they are jealous of you, remember the saying 'there are two types of people that are jealous, girls who want to be you, and guys who can't have you'"

sakura kept petting chaeyeon's head and started caressing chaeyeon's cheeks

"i think you are so pretty chaeyeon, your eyes hold beauty,"

i tried my best to do this part

please keep reading 🥺🥺

and that quote part "there are two types of people that are jealous, girls who want to be you, and guys who can't have you"

i got it from zhang xiaotang, the majority of you probably don't know her, she was also on s show like produce 48, but a chinese version

the show recently ended on may 30th, and she got in the group 👏👏👏👏

if you wanna watch the show it's called 'youth with you 2' on iqiyi

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