Chapter 40

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3rd person pov.

today was the day they were going to perform their last performance on produce 48

everyone was busy getting their makeup and clothes done for their final performance

"chaeyeon" sakura said "are you ready?"

"of course!" chaeyeon answered "i just have to get my high notes correct and everything will be fine"

flashback *

chaeyeon wasn't a vocalist, her position was dance, even though she's shown that she had some pretty decent vocals with '1000%' 

obviously, she was pretty nervous to do the high notes in front of the mentors, but first, they had to record the song first

she had done the high note a couple times already when they had first got into groups

"okay chaeyeon" the producer said "please start singing the high note"

she was done with singing her other parts

"okay" chaeyeon answered

"🎼 🎶" chaeyeon sang (if you can't see it, it's just some music notes)

"uhmmm" the producer said "put in a bit more power"

"okay" chaeyeon answered


chaeyeon was finally done with her recording and got out of the recording room and sat down on the couch

"okay," the producer said "i believe that everyone is doing great, now with chaeyeon, i would like if you would sing it a bit stronger, more powerful"

"okay" chaeyeon said

flashback ends *

chaeyeon has been trying to get the high note the producer wanted for awhile and she didn't know if she had what they wanted

"you'll be fine chaeyeon!" sakura reassures her [j] "during the mid-evaluation, all the mentors thought your high notes are amazing,

and it's already amazing that you're able to have such amazing vocals with perfect dancing skills"

"CHAEYEON!" although the crowd was shouting over one another, she heard her name being chanted over the deafening crowd screaming (random stuff)

she knew that she had nailed her performance and slated her high notes after seeing the proud looks on the mentors (including lee seunggi), and the audiences reactions

she had also spotted her parents in the crowd cheering for her

that was when she knew, she was finally happy where she was now

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