Chapter 1 Flashback

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"Hi this is my daughter Ashley. She is 2 months old and we are not able to afford her do you have any room?" Ashley's mother asked. "Yes ma'm in fact we have only one bed available would you like it?" "Why yes" my parents explained. "All right you can bring your daughter up to room 102" "thanks" my mother said. She dropped me off and I was left in an orphanage were I had no idea where I was and who was living with me. Many questions rose through my head. Like who's living with me? Why did my parents get rid of me? Once I was 6 I learned that my parents were not able to afford me. That was one of the saddest things I ever heard in my life. I went back up to my room. When I hit 14 I felt like I wanted to die. The teachers and staff were so strict that I wanted to die. If they caught you running in the hall you would be forced to sleep for 2 nights in a box. I had to do that once. So I wished that someday somebody would want to adopt me.

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