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    They stalked their target. The target was still oblivious. Twitch lurked in the upcoming alley.

    "The target's coming my way," he said into his earpiece.

    "When they walk past, take them out." Slade replied. Beside him, his brother Blade and him watched from a window high above the city.

    "My pleasure," Twitch chuckled darkly.

    "Hey guys," Twiggy said urgently. "He's taking a detour." Slade heard him growl. "Should I follow him boss?"

    "Sure, just try not to be seen and don't lose sight of him." Slade commanded.

    "What do I do?" Twitch asked with a frown. Sad that he didn't get to make the kill.

    "You can try to go around and cut him off," Slade began.

    "SAY NO MORE BOSS!" He whispered. "I'LL RIP HIS THROAT OUT.." Twitch fantasized the moment. Imagining blood flowing from the lifeless body.

    "Calm the fuck down," Slade's voice filled with venom. "You have to keep your focus on getting there first." He told Twitch. "Twiggy, give twitch directions to your location."

    "Alrighty," Twiggy whispered, because he was getting into earshot of their soon to be victim. "Take a left on main, then continue to vine." He said. "Then Twitch, take a short cut through a few backyards to the next alley. And then you can kill him there."

    "Got it," Twitch said flying down the street. He jumped over a fence and through the backyards silently, like a ninja. Leaping over another fence, he rolled effortlessly into the alley.

    "This is it, Twitch." Slade said slowly. "Take the man down." Twitch nodded vigorously, pulling out a skinning knife.

    "Five feet," Twiggy informed him. It took all of Twitch's strength not to make a devious sound. "Now,"

    Twitch lunged for the body that suddenly appeared. He pulled the man around the corner by his head into the dark alley.

    The man tried to cry for help, but Twitch had covered his mouth. "You don't know how long I've waited for this." He laughed manically.

   With one quick motion, Twitch used his skinning knife to slice the man's flesh. Cutting the windpipe and jugular, there was no saving him now.

   He tossed the body on the ground, watching in amazement as the man slowly began to die. "I just can't help myself-" Twitch laughed. "I have to.." He made uncontrollable jerking motions in his arms, legs, and body.

    "That's why we call you Twitch," Twiggy approached with a grin. The man was no longer alive. His breifcase lay next to his hand.

    Twitch and Twiggy are also brothers. In the moonlight, it's really hard to tell the difference between the two.

    They both had dark brown hair that was shaggy and just out of place. Their pale skin also had no difference. But their eyes were the opposite. Twiggy's eyes were an icy blue, with a dead serious look. Twitch's eyes were a dazzling green that lit up at the things that make him happy, like other people's pain.

    "We've obtained the breifcase," Twiggy said to the boss. His bony fingers wrapped around the handle. His body long a scrawny.

    "You're so skinny!" Twitch laughed, pointing a hysterical finger at him.

    "That's why my name is Twiggy," He smacked his brother upside the head. "Snap out of it, we're not finished yet." Twiggy then asked the boss, "what do we do with it?"

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