Chapter three~

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    "We gathered from all corners of the city today-" Twitch stifled a laugh. "What's so funny?!" Slade barked.

    "You sound like a PREACHER!!!!!!!!" Twitch began rolling on the floor, chortling like a child. The other gang members laughed along.

   "Haha, very funny," Slade said through gritted teeth. "We don't have time for your stupid games." He cleared his throat.

    "He's trying to get a group of bad kids to be good for the meeting-" Worm nudged Twitch, and gave him a look. Trying to tell him to shut up. "Fine.." Twitch slumped over, looking up at Slade with puppy dog eyes. "I'm ready."

    "Okay, as I was SAYING." Slade said, locking eyes with Twitch. "We have many upcoming events this month. Worm has many different ideas as well. Worm, would you like to share?"

    Worm jolted at the sudden  announcing of his name. "Uh, s-sure thing!" Worm rose to his feet and scurried to the podium.

    "Umm, hey guys. How is everybody doing?" Silence. "Okay uh, I-I have some ideas here that may interest you-"

    "Get on with it!" Someone in the back shouted. Twitch turned around, using all of his will power not to sucker punch him in the face.

    "Leave him alone.." He growled. The guy stood up.

    "What're you gonna do if I don't?" He sneered.

    "I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna shove my knife so far up your as-"

    "HEYYYY, TWITCH! COME WITH ME!" Twiggy swooped in and grabbed Twitch by the ear.

    "What are you doing?!" Twitch squealed. "I was gonna teach that guy a lesson!" Twiggy threw him onto the pavement.

    "Blade and Slade are pissed." Twiggy said. "I wouldn't be surprised that if after the meeting, they will educate you." Twitch made a sudden jerking motion in his foot.

    'Education' in the gang usually  meant an ass-whopping. "You need to grow up. Right now is a really important time for the gang. If you don't get your shit together, I-" Twiggy's voice cracked.

    "It's up to the leaders to decide your fate. They could even kill you if they wanted to." Twiggy had tears in his eyes. "And if they did kill you, I wouldn't know what I'd do."

    Twitch hadn't thought of that. He didn't even think about how his brother felt. "You better prepare yourself little bro, 'cause you're in a lot of trouble."

    "I'm sorry-"

    "Sorry won't cut it!" Twiggy slapped him.

    "I-I..." Twitch leaped into the air and ran down the ramp. I have to get some air.. Twitch thought. Feeling rather jumpy, he ran to the edge of the second story platform.

    "Hey! What the hell are you doing?!" Twitch looked back but for only a second. "Don't jump!" Twiggy's eyes widened.

    Twitch looked down. I've done this enough times from higher places. He thought. I'll be fine.
    His heart pounded in his ears. His arm twitched nervously. Twiggy took another step closer, in arms reach.

    Twitch dropped. "Oh, shit!" Twiggy tried to grab him, but he just missed.

    Twitch's instincts kicked in. Forming into a ball, he rolled out onto the street. It wasn't exactly a safe landing, busting his head on the blacktop.

    "Oh my god.." Twiggy froze up. "L-look out!" A car sped down the street. The headlights weren't on, because in the south part of the city, no one gives a fuck about the law.

    Before either of the two could react, the car had ran into Twitch.

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