chapter eight~

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Worm was back to normal. It's been three days since Twiggy was taken by the scorpions. He was still boiling with anger, but he had a job to do.

He continued tending to Twitch vigourously. I want Twitch to wakebup before his return. He thought. To see his face light up when he gets here. He didn't know why he felt that way, but he accepted it.

"He's coming back," Worm told the sleeping Twitch. "And you will see him again." Steel walked in.

"Dude, you need to take a break." Steel put his hand on his shoulder. "You haven't slept in three days." Worm shook him off.

"I can't." He protested. He needs to shut the hell up. Worm thought bitterly. "I promised Twiggy that I would guard him with my life, and that includes sleep."

"You won't be able to help him if you're too tired to move." Steel said. "You could die from deprivation of sleep. And then you can't protect him anymore."

"Well, what's your plan, smart ass?" Worm asked, giving Steel an angry glare.

"We take shifts, duh." Steel replied. "You go get some sleep. I'll take care of everything here." The word 'sleep' bekoned him. Giving a long, exasperated yawn, he began for the door.

I get to sleep in my own bed today. He thought. The sun was bright at this time of day, but he figured when he hits the hay, he couldn't be bothered by it. He trudged up the ramp to the first floor.

I wonder how Twiggy's doing, Worm pondered. If they hurt him, I will kill them all. Every last one of them until they are wiped off the face of the earth.

His heart ached. An angered scream was rising in his throat, but he was too tired to make a sound. He just silently cried, reaching the second floor.

Is my room on this floor? He had forgotten a lot of things over the past few days. He was too tired to think straight. "Aw, hell.." He sighed. "Who is he kiddin' anyway? I can't sleep."

"Worm!" A voice from behind him shouted. He began to turn around, but then Slade appeared out of nowhere. "Whatcha up to?" He seemed rather cheery in his voice, but you could see the grief in his eyes.

Worm scratched the back of his head, yawning. "Nothin', just wandering around." Slade's expression made a slight change, someone who didn't know him, wouldn't have been able to tell, but Worm could.

"Are you alright?" He asked. Worm nodded in reply.

"Just tired-" Worm fell asleep in mid-sentence.

"Wha-?" Slade caught him by the arms. He heard Worm snoring lightly. Steel must've sent him to bed. Slade thought with a sigh. "I better take you to your room."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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