Chapter two~

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    Twitch approached the doorstep of a two-story house on the northside of town. He lifted his hand to knock on the door. The door swung open and a tall man with a scowl stepped out on the porch.

    "G'afternoon," Twitch greeted nervously. The man only grunted in reply. "Is Kristen home?" Twitch scratched the back of his head with a small smile.

    "She's in the kitchen." He sat on the bench and pulled out a cigarette. Twitch still stood there, waiting for her father to say something else.

    "Can I go in?" Twitch twidled with his thumbs. The big man nodded with a sigh, the nicotine calming his nerves.

    Twitch ran through the door. "Vixy?" Twitch called, peeking his head through the kitchen doorway.

    "Oh, hey Twitch." The girl greeted. Her scarlett hair brushed back out of her green eyes. Her eyelashes were long a delicate. Twitch had a hard time controling himself.

    "Are you coming to the assembly tonight?" He asked. "Cat might come, and Misty." Twitch tempted.

    "Who cares if they're going? I'm in it for you, and myself. Of course I'm going!" Twitch sat at the table next to his girl. He figured that since Cat and Misty are the only other girls, they would be friends.. but he guessed wrong.

    "Cool, it's at 5:27, I could walk you there if you want," He said blushing. She batted he eyelashes at him and he twitched with lust.

    "Yeah, that would be fun." She answered with a giggle. "Did you tell Ace yet?" She asked. Twitch shook his head.

    "That was my next stop," Twitch said, looking down the street. Ace only lived down the block. "All three of us could walk to the garage together."

    "Okay, just let me go upstairs and change." Vixin said, standing up. Twitch's eyes widened. Vixy was only in her bra and underwear. Pink silk with black lace, Twitch couldn't help but stare.

    "O-okay-" He stuttered, jaw dropping. She started for the stairs. Then, Vixin put her hands on her hips, striking a pose.

    "Are you coming?"  She batted her eyelashes again. He twitched uncontrollably.

     "Yeah!" He said running up the stairs.

    After playing around in the bedroom, Twitch and Vixin started for Ace's house. Twitch banged on the door.

    "Ace, get out here! We gotta go!" Twitch shouted. A pale face poked out of the doorway.

    "Vix! Twitch! My homies!" Ace greeted flipping his white hair from his pinkish eyes. Twitch groaned in annoyance.

    "Don't ever call me a homie.." He said face palming. Ace jumped down from the porch, squinting his eyes and checking Twitch over.

    He reached out, poking Twitch's neck. "Is that a hickey?" Twitch jerked away from him abruptly. His whole face turning as red as Vix's hair.

    "That's none of your buisness." Twitch grumbled lifting up his collar, and slumping his hands in his pockets.

    "Anyway," Ace said elbowing him in the ribs. "What brings you this far out?" Twitch quit moping and told him the news.

    "There's a meeting today, so I figured that you guys should come. It's important." Twitch replied.

    "Alright, alright," Ace said. "I'll come. I always do." Ace slipped on some boots. "Let's go! It'll take a while walking back to base.

    They were outside the parking garage. "Dude, is that blood?!" Ace said eyes widening. "Did someone in the gang get hurt?"

   Twitch chuckled nervously. "Uh, that was me blowing off some steam." He looked at his knuckles which were cut up and bruised.

    "I thought that was a new coat!" Ace exclaimed. "I didn't want to say anything!"

    "Okay, we should go inside. It's about to start." Twitch said, pressing the buzzer. Twitch couldn't help but flinch when the eye slot opened.

    "Show me your tattoos," Twitch groaned.

    "Come on Bucky, you're really gonna make us take off our shirts when it's this cold out?" Twitch complained.

    "You could've put it somewhere else," he argued. "And this is a really important day, I can't let anyone in without the tattoo." Bucky said.

    "Fine, but just saying, I've been in the gang longer than you, so it doesn't make any sense." Twitch began to strip. Ace did the same, and Vixin rolled up her shirt sleeve.

    They each had the same severed hand tattoo on their skin. It was a tattoo that was only avalible to The Deadly Hand. "All clear," Bucky said laughing.

    Twitch gave him the finger as they past by. "Name a time and a place, I'll be there!"

    "Sorry, but Twitch is mine." Vix said, sticking her tounge out.

    "The meetings always take place on the top floor." Twitch said running up the ramp. "It's almost time."

    They climbed three flights of stairs, reaching the top. Vixy fell to the floor, clearly out of breath. "The stairs get me everytime!" She crawled into the meeting room. Ace and Twitch followed happily.

    "Look who showed up early for once!" Steel remarked. Twitch jerked with annoyance.

    "S-shut up." Steel chortled, his dark eyes lighting up at Twitch's terrible comeback.

    Worm sat on the floor, looking rather uncomfortable around the other gang members. "Twitch, over here!" Diesel shouted. He gestured to an open seat next to him.

    Twitch rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna sit over here!" He called back as he plopped on the floor next to Worm.

    "H-hey, there Twitch." Worm stuttered, surprised that he was even there. "I see you brought Vixin and Ace," he pushed his glasses back up. "That's nice."

    "No need to be nervous around me. We're cool, I promise." Twitch assured him. Worm was still rather new, and Twitch always knew that Worm didn't feel normal.

    Slade entered the room from the heavy security door, holding a clipboard. "Okay, let the assembly of The Deadly Hand begin!"


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