Chapter seven~

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    Twiggy woke up in an unfamilar location. He glanced around, taking note of his surroundings.

    The lighting was dim, almost too dark to see. The floor was smooth, hard pavement. Piles of boxes along the walls, mostly cardboard and wooden crates, but a red tool box caught his eye. Dirt and dust were scattered everywhere. There was a giant, metal, sliding door and another door with a golden knob.

    "It's a garage.." Twiggy muttered to himself. He didn't even remember how he got there. He only remembered getting into the rival gang's car. It's all a big blur, just a shambled up group of memories.

    I should stay put, Twiggy thought. If I go snooping around, they'll probably kill me. He just sat there waiting for one of them to show up. He didn't have to wait long.

    The door opened, revealing the big man that brought Twiggy here in the first place. Twiggy stared at him. "You are gonna tell me who you're covering for." The man grunted.

    "I'm not covering for anyone." Twiggy replied. "I beat up that kid, and I stole his coat. How else would I have known where to find it?"

    "I ask the questions." The big man's finger buried deep into Twiggy's chest.

    "It was a rhetorical question, dumb ass." Twiggy said, flashing a toothy grin. Before he could say anything else, the gang leader's fist swung into Twiggy's stomach.

     "Don't try to act tough.." the leader growled. "The more you fight it, the longer you'll suffer." What if wanted to suffer? Twiggy thought. What if that was the reason I came here?

    "I'm not acting." Twiggy said with a chuckle. "I am always just like this-" he swung again.

    "Bull shit," The scorpion spat. "I can see right through your little act. And you will not disrespect me." Twiggy held down the vomit rising in his throat.

   He swallowed. "You won't break me. My resolve is stronger than anything you could throw at me." Twiggy continued. "You might as well just kill me."

    The man began to beat Twiggy. Without even interrogating him, just a chronic ass whooping.

    Twiggy didn't fight it. This doesn't even compare to Twitch's pain.. His stomach lurched when another punch landed in his gut. Twitch is in a coma, and may never wake up again.
    Twiggy threw up his breakfast. Even worse when he realized it was on the man's shoes. The gang leader stopped, surprised and disgusted.

    "Sorry bro," Twiggy looked up at his face. Priceless.. he thought. Well, maybe I'll pay with my life. "Those are those new pair of shoes, aren't they?" Twiggy scratched the back of his head nervously. "The really expensive, rare kind?"

    The leader's face turned red with anger. He raised his hand, and Twiggy cringed, waiting for the blow. But when nothing happened for a few seconds, he opened his eyes.

    The man's hand was lowered to his sides. Why did he stop himself? Twiggy thought. What happened? The man's face was hard to interpret. He looked like he was on the brink of insanity. Over the shoes, or something else?

    "I'm going to change." The man grunted. "I'll send in another guy. Don't expect any food for awhile.." the leader spun on his heels and stormed to the exit.

    I wasn't expecting to be fed at all, Twiggy thought. They would most likely starve me to death. The door slammed shut and Twiggy was alone again. But this time he was sore and wounded.

    Twiggy thought that covering for Twitch was the only thing he could do to protect him. While he may be correct at the moment, he never thought that things might change.. or people.

    He thought that living as a prisoner was the one and only solution.

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