Chapter five~

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    Twiggy woke up in a dark, cold room. He sat up, and glanced to right, expecting to see Twitch smiling back up at him. But then, he remembered last night. He jumped out of bed and ran to the door.

    Swinging it open with all of the strength he had, he ran to the doctors office from the second floor to the basement.

    He pushed the door open. He looked at the table where he sat last night.

    Twiggy nearly fell over when he saw that Twitch was gone. "Wh-where-??" He was at a loss for words. He suddenly felt dizzy, sick.

    Twiggy slid down the wall, sitting down. He noticed there was a cast on his leg now. They gave up on him.. Twiggy thought. They gave up on Twitch and worked on me instead...

    Twiggy got up and approached the metal table. There were blood stains on the surface. Was it mine, or his? He touched it, shuddering when his finger stuck to it. It was ours.

    "N-no," Twiggy's eyes clamped shut. "This isn't h-happening. It's not r-real." He tried to convince himself, but to no prevail.

    "It's a nightmare-" Worm walked in.

    "Twig," he said rubbing his eyes. You could tell he hadn't slept at all. "What're you doing in here?"

    "Where-?" Twiggy fell over. "I can't breathe." He curled up, crying. Trying so hard to relax. But how could he? His brother was gone.

    "Calm down," Worm said yawning. "I just moved him to somewhere more comfortable." Worm tried to get Twiggy to his feet.

    "T-twitch?" He managed to say between choking sobs.

    "Yeah, he's gonna be alright." Worm replied in a soothing voice. "I took good care of him." Twiggy looked at his cast. He noticed the gang members names scribbled all over it in many different colors.

    "Who-?" Twiggy coughed. Trying to catch his breath.

    "Steel fixed your leg before carrying you back to your bedroom." Worm explained. "You passed out from the amount of blood I took. But I knew when to stop."

    "H-how much?" Twiggy gasped. His lungs were burning.

    "Around eight pints." Worm said. "That's the limit, if I took anymore, you could've died." Twiggy gave Worm a look.

    "If you needed m-more, you should've t-taken it." Twiggy assured.

    "Even if I had to, I couldn't. Knowing that it would hurt you." Worm said. "Speaking of taking blood, you need to eat."

    Twiggy's stomach had been growling for a while now. "I'm not hungry."

    "Yes you are. And if you don't eat, I will shove food down your throat." Worm threatened.

    "I need to see him first!" Twitch shouted. He stood up and limped to the door. He tried to pull it open, but he was too weak.

    "See? You need to eat." Worm said.

    "Open the door." Twiggy ordered.

    "Not until you promise to eat.." Twiggy spun, swinging his fist.

    Worm caught him by the arm. Twiggy wobbled, then toppled over. "Oh great." Worm said, scratching his dishiveled black hair.

    Worm picked him up off the floor. He's out again.. Worm thought to himself. He's a dumbass! He began to mutter curses under his breath as carried Twiggy down the hall.

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