Chapter six~

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    There was banging on the door. Worm had locked themselves in, in case of emergency. "Worm, it's Slade."

    "And Blade!" The banging continued. Worm slowly walked over, pulling out his keys.

    The door swung open. "What's the matter?" Worm said, he could tell by the looks on their faces that something bad had happened.

    "They took Twiggy." They both said simutaniously.

    "Wh-what?!" Worm almost pulled his hair out with frustration. "How could you let that happen?"

    "He was protecting Twitch, there was nothing we could do about it." Worm glanced over his shoulder at Twitch, who was still asleep.

    "Twitch must've jumped a kid yesterday morning. He was a part of the scorpions." The Scorpions was a rival gang from across town.

    "We can't just sit around while Twiggy's going to be beaten to death." Worm stated. "We have to do something."

    Worm still had Twitch's skinner in his hand. His grip had tightened, turning his knuckles white.

    "Worm, there's nothing you could do right now. You need rest." Blade said, pulling the knife away.

    Steel walked in. "He's right." Worm didn't want to sleep. He wanted to get Twiggy back.

    "I can try," Worm growled. He pushed past the two brothers. Steel grabbed Worm's shoulder. "Let me go."

    "No, you'll be killed." Steel said. "I can't let that happen."

    "Too bad." Worm shook him off and started walking. He felt someone grab his shirt. "Hey!" He shouted.

    Steel had a syringe in his hand. "Whoa-!" Worm tried to protest, but Steel stabbed him with it, and pushed the medicine in.

    "Why-?" Worm cried. He stumbled a few feet.

    "Shouldn't we stop him?" Blade asked Steel.

    "Just wait," Steel pointed at Worm, who swayed back and forth. Worm crashed down, face-planting the pavement.

    "Okay," Slade's voice a bit shrill.

    "Worm has been training me in case something happens to him." Steel explained. "I'm getting good at being a doctor."

    "Don't get too cocky-" Worm said sleepily. Then after a few seconds, they heard him snoring.

    I'll get cocky if I wanna, Steel thought. "Well, we should take him back to Twitch's room, and set up another bed." Steel said finally. "I'll be able to work on both of them at once."

    He lifted Worm off the floor. "What are we gonna do about Twiggy?" Steel asked. "I mean, Worm is right. We can't leave him."

    "I don't know," Slade said shaking his head.

    "Me neither," Blade answered. Steel opened Twitch's room. Slade pulled a mattress from the closet, and set it on the floor.

    Steel set Worm down. Blade grabbed the blankets that worm had removed from Twitch earlier that day. He covered him up.

    "There are too many people injured right now." Slade took note of Worm's busted lip. His glasses also had a cracked lens.

    "He's gonna be mad at me.." Steel said taking them off his eyes. "I'll have to get him new ones." Steel looked around, trying to remember where Worm kept his paperwork.

    "In the file cabinet!" Steel said, sprinting to the doctors office. He opened the middle drawer and dug through the papers.

    He managed to find Worm's perscriptions. He pulled out a paper with Worm's real name on it. "Lucas," Steel muttered.

    Steel returned to Blade and Slade with that paper. "This is for a new pair of glasses." Steel said. "Do you guys know where to go? I can't leave until Worm comes to his senses, and Twitch wakes up."

    "I'll go," Slade said, snatching the paper from steel's fingers. "I'll be back in a little bit." He walked up to the second story, pulling out his car keys.

    He got in, and shoved the keys in the ignition. The engine turned over, and drove away.

    "This couldn't possibly get any worse.." Steel groaned. Blade gave raised his eyebrow.

    "I wouldn't say that," Blade chuckled. "You're gonna jinx it." Steel just stared at his mentor. Worm tossed in his sleep. You could hear Twitch's light snoring from across the room.

    "I don't think I can handle two at a time yet," Steel muttered. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?" Blade just sat there, not knowing how to reply.

    "Show me everything he taught you.." Blade said, poking Worm's cheek lightly. "Maybe I can help."

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