Chapter one~

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    Twitch, Twiggy and Crisp sat on the couch. The light above flickered and buzzed because of the old wiring. "Hey Crisp," Twiggy began. "Could you pass the remote?"

    This was about two years after the incident in the alley. Crisp is the mystery man from that night. "Come on man, this is a really good show." He said sarcastically, motioning to the screen where 'MLP : Friendship is magic' was blaring.

    "Just do it, okay?" Twitch growled. Crisp narrowed his eyes, but handed Twiggy the remote without question.

   Crisp had earned everyone's respect, all except Twitch anyway. But Crisp already knew that it would be difficult. Ever since that first night, he knew Twitch would never give him the time of day.

   "Hey guys, keep it here." Worm said, scribbling in his notebook. Twiggy left it on the science channel. "Thanks, bro." He said smiling.

    They had also gained more members to their gang. These members were recruited specifically, unlike Crisp.

    The deadly Hand wanted Worm, because he was book smart. He came up with all sorts of crazy ideas to earn them cash, and their respect.

    The other new members mostly consists of brawn. Worm is a little lonely at times, but he likes being the only smart guy in the room.

    "There will be an assembly today," Blade said opening the door. "We'll be discussing our most latest objectives and new recruits." Worm wriggled excitedly on the floor.

    "I can't wait!!" Worm said, pushing up his glasses. "I have a few ideas that I'd like to share with The Hand." He flipped through his notebook rapidly. "Raids, heists, kidnappings, robberys.. it's all here!" His face twisted into a smile.

    "Well, I'm glad that you're making great progress, keep up the good work." Blade said patting Worm's back.

   "Are we gonna steal more weapons soon? I need a sharper skinner." Twitch asked, running his finger up and down the edge.

    "We could fit it in the schedule," Blade replied. Twitched pumped his fist in the air with excitement.

    "The meeting is at 5:27, so don't be late." Blade backed out of the tv room, closing the door behind him.

    "Guys, I'm gonna go look for Vixin," Twitch said sliding off the couch.

   "I'll go too," Crisp said jumping up. Twitch flinched with annoyance. He couldn't tell him no, but he really didn't want him coming along.

    Twiggy shot him a glare, telling him to 'suck it up.' Twitch hung his head and slunk to the door. "Anyone else want to come and talk to my girlfriend with me?" He asked rhetorically.

    Twiggy threw the remote across the room, hitting Twitch in the back of the head. "You better watch that attitude.." He scolded.

    "Whatever," Twitch said storming out. Crisp jogged after him.

    "Hey, wait up!" He shouted. Crisp caught up, putting his hand on Twitch's shoulder. "Slow down."

    "How 'bout you slow down?!" Twitch spun on his heels to face Crisp. "I don't know why you choose to follow me around all day but I'm sick of it! You threatened to kill my family two years ago and you expect me to be okay with that?!"

    "I only did that for show, I would never actually hurt anyone. Even Blade said it didn't hurt, I only hit a nerve." Twitch brushed Crisps hand off angrily.

    "It was real to me," He growled. "Don't you ever expect any sort of respect from me. If you're in a life threatening situation, don't count on me to bail you out, and if the gang is at stake because of you, I will gladly be the one to finish you off."

    Twitch turned and ran up the ramp of the underground parking garage. He looked over his shoulder a few times before he was sure no one had followed. He sighed with relief. This was the first time this week that he was actually by himself. Crisp was always there, watching him.

    Twitch shivered, realizing that he forgot his jacket back in the tv room. There was a boy walking down the sidewalk, about his size.

    Quickly, without hesitation, Twitch removed the coat from the teenager. The boy shocked from the assault, swung his fist in defense. Twitch blocked it with his forearm, then with all of his force, uppercutted the guy.

    The teen flew a few feet, landing on his back. Twitch walked up to him. The boy was spitting out blood, and teeth. "Thank you for the coat." Twitch spat. Then, continued his walk to Vixin's house.


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